November 14, 2007 - 11:04 am
Now I want to put another two cents in on the writer’s strike. You can get up do date on the subject by reading Part I.
I think the studios should not give in. Anyone who knows anything about the movie business knows that that Hollywood has been going through a very difficult time financially since as far back as 2005. Studios are losing a fortune to pirate DVDs and illegal online distribution of their properties. Fewer and fewer people are coming to the theater. The financial situation for many studios is truly critical.
The writers union is one of many with which studios must juggle their dwindling resources. Teamsters, the Screen Actor’s Guild, and many others all vie for their cut of an ever shrinking pie. If the studios cave in and give more money to writers, who will follow? Directors? Sound editors? Prop builders? The list is a mile long.
In a very short period of time, all these unions will [descend*] on Hollywood like a plague of locusts, stripping the industry of every shred of profitability leaving behind a barren waste that once was Hollywood.
Besides, as you can see from the paragraph above, good writing isn’t that hard. Even I can do it.
So, I say: Studios, stand your ground! Don’t let those money grubbing leaches threaten you! If they think you can’t survive without them, prove them wrong. We’ll see just how long their union dues are able to pay for their valley condos while they lounge on the picket lines.
(Continue reading Part III.)
[*Edit: Yeah, yeah. I used the wrong word. Why can’t my spell checker catch stupid homophones.]