Class of 2017

Hey Inter-Tubes!! Can you believe old Trint is still alive?! (Yeah, me neither.)

It’s that time of year again and I haven’t done this in a while, so let’s dive right in and see just how old we all really feel.

This week a brand new crop of high school seniors are planning proms and applying for next year’s financial aide. Let’s see what else is true about them.

This year’s high school seniors were born in 1999, the same year that these movies were released:

Fight Club
American Pie
The Matrix (Yes, the first one!)
Star Wars: Phantom Menace (Yes, the one that most of us choose to pretend doesn’t exist.)

The following TV shows were cancelled before these kids were born:

Beverly Hills 90210 (1999)
The Animaniacs (1998)
Bill Nye the Science Guy (1998)
Seinfeld (1998)

These kids have never…

Used a VCR to record TV. (The TiVo DVR was released in 1999.)
Had to use a floppy disk, even the non-floppy 3.5″. (USB Drives became available in 2000.)
Had to carry around CDs to listen to music. (The iPod debuted in 2001.)
Needed to plug in to something to get internet. (WiFi became a thing when they were 4 years old, in 2003.)

For their entire lives…

Texting from a cell phone has been possible. (1995)
Movies have been available on DVD. (1995)
Michael Jordan has been a “former” NBA player. (1999… the second time.)
John Elway has been a Super Bowl MVP (1999)
Viagra has been making uncomfortable commercials. (1998)

If you don’t feel old after reading all that… get off my lawn and turn that racket down!! Ya dern kids.

ComCast… *sigh*

If you use XFinity for home internet, read this carefully!

I got a letter today announcing ComCast’s latest “great” idea. Unrestricted access to MY home wifi. WHAT??!!

I checked and sure enough, without notice or permission, ComCast created a new, unsecured wifi channel in my house (called xfinitywifi).

The pitch is that guests in my house don’t have to ask for a password to use my internet. The reality is ANY yahoo, driving down my street can hijack MY bandwidth for whatever purpose they want. That means that my IP address would be the source address of whatever nefarious activity someone may do while stealing my wifi.

Disable this feature AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!

You can disable the feature. The setting is hidden pretty deep in your account settings. The FAQ link at the bottom of this page will get you there, but you have to look pretty hard to find the links described.

WFHF: Moving in Movember

Hey, everybody! Long time not see! Here’s a new WFHF video: “Moving in ?#?Movember?”

P.S. It’s pronounced “Moh-vember” and it’s another name for ?#?NoShaveNovember?.

Work From Hotel Friday … Again

Yep. Still here.

New WFHF Video!

As promised:

I’m Not Dead Yet!

I know it’s been ages since my last post. But I swear I’m not dead yet.

What I am is homeless. So, that’s much better! I think I’ll go for a walk. I feel happyyyy. I feel happyyyy.

Seriously, though. Long story. We’re moving to Colorado and things are nuts. Check the next WFHF video (posted later today) for taste of the goings on.

Overly Attached Burger

So… This just happened.

Overly Attached Burger

WBQotW #280

‘Murica! Woo!!

Remember that America does awesome stuff too, like putting atomic-powered robots on Mars and double-stuffing Oreos.

WFHF: Memes

Oops! I just realized that I didn’t post the last WFHF video here on the blog! Shame on me!! I was too busy trying to cross link it to all the different social media for the Ice Bucket Challenge. Ooops! I ruined the surprise. Oh well.

Still Here

You might have noticed we’re still in Texas.

You might not have noticed that we are trying to sell our house and move to Colorado. (If so… seriously, dude. Where have you been?!)

It’s hard to keep the house perfectly clean and neat day after day when no one has come to look at it. (OK, we did have one showing a couple of weeks ago.) It’s even harder answering the same question over and over. All those people (and there are many) who told us…

“The market is on fire!”
“You’re house is gorgeous. It’ll sell in a couple of days!”
“You won’t believe how quick it will all happen!”

…are the same people who now ask us “How’s the house?” and we just smile and say, “Still there!”

Shark WeekIt’s easy to get down, to second guess, to give up. But the easy thing is almost never the right thing. So, every morning, I get up, I fluff the rugs and fold the towels, and I just keep swimming. “Maybe today.”

Last week was the infamous “Shark Week.” If you live outside the US, or don’t have cable TV, then you are excused from knowing how big a deal that is (or pretends to be). Weeks of advertising and hype, cross promotion, buzz. And then, for seven days, three or four droll, over-produced, sometimes gory pseudo-scientific documentaries about sharks rerun over and over. You watch one. You might watch two. Then… meh. You switch back to Doctor Who reruns and sports news about football training camp.

But that’s life. Hype. Reality. Sometimes disappointment. But always, you carry on. A fictional wise man once said:

Live every week like it’s shark week. – Tracy Jordan

And that is this week’s white board quip.

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