I’m Not Dead Yet!

I know it’s been ages since my last post. But I swear I’m not dead yet.

What I am is homeless. So, that’s much better! I think I’ll go for a walk. I feel happyyyy. I feel happyyyy.

Seriously, though. Long story. We’re moving to Colorado and things are nuts. Check the next WFHF video (posted later today) for taste of the goings on.

Wait, what? When?!

Have you ever had that feeling that you missed something really important because you were overly occupied with something else even more important? Yeah. Me too.

I was out of town last week for something “even more important” and totally missed something really important in one context but completely meaningless in a larger context.

Confused yet?

It will make sense later when I can tell you the whole story. But for now…

Last Monday, June 9th, Surely You’re Not Serious celebrated its 10th birthday, quietly, alone, with a single candle jammed into a banana nut muffin. It was not the joyous celebration SYNS deserved. Instead of toasting my old friend, I was traveling, trying unsuccessfully to master temperature selection in strange showers.

Which brings us to this week’s white board quip!

We all think we’re pretty smart until we try to turn on someone else’s shower.

Yes. I am a master of seque (even though I had to google it get figure out the spelling). Thanks for noticing.

If you’ve got several hours and nothing better to do, you could start at the very first SYNS post and see where it all began!

I’ll Have What She’s Having

WBQotW #239 is an actual quote from an actual 7-year-old girl. And on this rare occasion, I must agree with the kid.

I want milk, the locust-free kind.
– 7-Year-Old

From the mouths of babes… Am I right?!

On a side note, I just created a handy short-link for the WBQotW list! Now you can easily remember how to get your latest white board quip fix, or shoe-polish it on your car, or tattoo it on your forehead, or have it engraved on your tombstone! YOU’RE WELCOME!!

And don’t forget the short-link for the blog:

It’s Alive! It’s Aliiiiiiiiiive!!

Hello, World! I’m back!! (Surely you’re not serious! I AM serious, and don’t call me Shirley!!)

It’s a new year and I just can’t keep my opinions to myself (or under 140 characters) any more. I can’t begin to express how hard it was to go through an election year, crazy political and social news events, and even a few personal life changes, without sharing my thoughts with my blog buddies.

Speaking of blog buddies, it was really interesting, after I announced I was shutting down SYNS, to see how many people were trolling the site (I seriously thought my readership was down to about 3 people, including me.) and expressed their chagrin when the lights went out. I found it oddly satisfying. Maybe I really am a sociopath!

It’s going to take me a while to be back into the swing of blogging. And my old-time readers know I have a knack for lazy non-posting. Which reminds me, I think there’s no better way to reinvigorate this blog than with a brand new White Board Quip of the Week! (I’m fairly confident that this is WBQotW #231.)

Behold the power of laziness.

Sad Sad Day

Well, I think we all know this day has been coming. Sadly, it’s finally arrived. I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.

I started this blog with a joke. Back in 2004, I thought blogs were stupid. Why would anyone want to read someone else’s diary. I don’t care what you had for lunch or what the doctor said about the growth on your butt. But, as it turned out, blogging was a great creative outlet for me. And it helped my family and friends keep up with me since I am notorious for not staying in touch.

But now, with the advent of social media, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, I’ve got more creative outlets than I can keep up with! Surely You’re Not Serious has become the low hanging fruit at a time when I need to trim. I just don’t have time to maintain it. And it’s purpose has been largely replaced.

I’m not going to delete anything. Lordy! There’s way too much comedy gold here to throw anything away. But, I will not be updating for the foreseeable future. Let’s call it an indefinite hiatus. But, if you have a fever and the only cure is more Trint, just follow me on Twitter and YouTube. (I’m pretty stingy with my Facebook friend list. So, let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist and avoid all the tears and feelings of rejection.)

It’s been a great run, and I’ve had a blast. And who knows?! Maybe Twitter make me mad enough to quit and come back here! Yeah… I know. You’re right.

So, it’s only fitting to end my run with one final White Board Quip of the Week (#230):

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

That’s all I have to say about that.

I’m Working On It!!

Yes. We have returned from a grand trip to Colorado. Yes. There are oodles pictures. Yes. There are a plethora of videos. I’m working on it. I swear. Check back here in a few days and I’ll have something up. Honest. I’m trying. Give me a break, would ya?!

Here’s a teaser, to placate you for a bit.

Riding the 717 trail near Woodland Park, Colorado

A Brief Tribute

I’m sure you saw the news for yesterday’s sad loss. Actor Leslie Nielsen passed away at 84.

Yes, he had a slightly above average acting career. Yes, he had comic genius rather thrust upon him when, as a previously serious actor, he played the dead pan doctor on “Airplane.” Yes, he went on to be a fixture of the slap stick and silly, such as the Naked Gun series. So why would I devote space here for a tribute?

Well, have you read my blog’s title and tag line?! Duh!!

Chocolate for Wounded Warriors

If you don’t know what the chocolate drive is all about click here and here and here and here.

In the four years since the chocolate drive began, we have shipped about 500 pounds of chocolate to U.S. Air Force medical units in Iraq.

You can bring chocolate to my house, office, or church. If you are too far away, or would just rather, you can give monetarily using the Donate link on the bottom of the side bar on my blog. Any money collected will be used to buy candy bars in bulk. Shipping has been graciously covered by an anonymous donor.

We are looking for chocolate, specifically, as other non-perishable candies are plentiful. Full sized bars are a favorite, but anything will do. I encourage you to look for deals. There will be big price cuts on chocolate items late on Halloween night, and early Nov 1st. Similar sales come up after Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. Just after Easter, we will send our final shipment for the year.

For full disclosure, I have not yet received confirmation from a contact in Iraq this year. It’s possible the unit I’ve been sending to has been recalled. Regardless, I will see to it that all donations find their way to U.S. troops, either in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Hellooo? Facebook? Are you there?

I don’t know why but since the WBQotW of April 28th, Facebook has not been cross-posting from here. This is more or less just a test now that I’ve double checked all the settings.

So, in short, please ignore the man behind the curtain!

Blatant Begging

Regardless of what the big retailers would have you believe, it is NOT Christmas yet.

I used to be a real stickler and say that Christmas can’t start until after Thanksgiving. You can’t start playing Christmas music, you can’t put up Christmas decorations, and you certainly can’t start Christmas shopping until the Friday after Turkey Day.

However, I have now been married over ten years to a wonderful woman who sneaks Christmas songs on her iPod in April. Who, if you pay attention, can be heard quietly humming “Frosty the Snowman” in mid-summer. Who’s face lights up like the Griswold’s house at site of the first Christmas decorations in the mall (which is now reaching into September… *groan*).

So, I will make this small concession. I will allow that the Christmas Spirit may be on the loose before Thanksgiving. I will do my best not to grumble and curse when jolly songs and snowmen appear at the mall along side Jack-o’-lanterns. BUT!!! You can NOT call it “Christmas Time” until after my birthday on November 10th.

<ThinlyVailedExcuseToPanderForGifts>Speaking of my birthday…</ThinlyVailedExcuseToPanderForGifts>

…I just updated my T-Shirt Wishlist. Go check it out!!

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