June 25, 2004 - 2:12 pm
Tammy has adapted well to being one-legged. She’s frustrated with life in a cast, tired of it, but learning to cope.
We’ve found the easiest way for her to get up and down the two flights of stairs to our apartment is to ride piggy-back on yours truly. She’s learned how to get in and out of the tub on her own, get herself dressed, carry paperwork around the office, and drive left-footed. I still drive her to work most mornings, just to be safe, but on rare occasions when our work schedules don’t jive, she drives herself. We’ve got a nice, safe, rounded-tip hanger that she can use to attack the occasional itch. She still can’t carry most stuff from room to room, but that’s what I’m here for.
We’ve also found a remedy for the deep bruising on her hands from using the crutches. Water Noodles, those long, brightly colored, foam pool toys are very easy to cut into short sections, and the hole in the middle perfectly fits the plastic handles on her crutches. They look kinda funny, bright yellow handles that are twice the diameter of the originals, but if they alleviate the pain, who cares. The first set lasted a week before the foam broke down and collapsed. I think we have enough noodle to last until she’s done with the aluminum torture devices.
In two more weeks she goes in to get a “velcro soft cast”. We’re hoping that she’ll be able to walk on it, but that’s all up to the doc.
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