Surely You’re Not Serious Redesigned!! v2.0 Released!

I know a few of you have seen the new design “in development”. Now it’s all done.

The 50’s theme has been tugging at me for a while now. Most designers lately have been going for the “weathered look“, first mastered by Fossil. While I like the nostalgia of the weathered look, and LOVE the art style of the 40’s and 50’s, I wanted to do something different. I spent some time surfing “vintage” clip art sites and found enough material and inspiration to finish SYNS v2.0. I’m sure there will be tweaks and such in the future, but I think this design will server for a good long while.

I’ve also got some new features cooking on the back burners. Keep your eyes open for “Nutrition for Dummies” in the near future.

The Kerry Debate Handbook

This is not a political blog, I swear. But the stuff in the media is just too funny to pass up lately.

I found a handbook for Senator Kerry to study before the debates so he can be straight on what his stance is on the the issues. (This stance is often “foragaints”.)

CNN – “Confused News Network”

According to CNN, “Bush apparently leads Kerry in pre-debate poll.” … Apparently? As in 53 is apparently greater than 42?! Golly, with such well founded mathematic principals, it’s no wonder they’re the leader in left-wing balanced news coverage.

The article also says:

“Headed into their first face-to-face debate, President Bush appears to be leading Democratic Sen. John Kerry among likely voters, with a clearer edge among registered voters.”

OH! So you’re saying that non-registered voters are not quite as fond of Bush. WHO CARES!! Non-registered voters DON’t COUNT!!

By the way, the difference in percentage between the two polls “likely voters” and “registered voters” is less than the margin of error in the poll. Yaaay math!

Gazing Into My Crystal Ball

Okay, quick. Look at the time and date on this post. I want it to be very clear that I am psychic!!

It’s Tuesday, September 28th, and I’m saying this now, not later when it actually happens.

Utilizing my cosmic, mystical, ethereal powers of seeing into the future, I am about to give you glimpse into the “yet-to-be”. Ready?

In the next 30 days, major media outlets will “marvel” at John Kerry’s “resurgence” in the “polls”. They will credit his “debate skills” and the fact that he is “winning over” Americans with his “firm stand” on Iraq and the economy.

It will happen. Also, everything that appears in quotation marks above will be entirely false and misleading.

The great OZ has spoken!

Did he or didn’t he? Yes… or… no.

It’s a well established fact that John Kerry isn’t very good at making up his mind on an issue. But it turns out it’s not his fault.

I ran across a great article that chronicles John Kerry’s pattern of blaming others for his gaffes and mistakes. It also gives several examples of his wife doing the same thing. I recommend you read the whole article, but here’s a few clips.

A speechwriter was blamed for using the term “Benedict Arnold Companies” even though Kerry used the phrase 746 times.
A train conductor was blamed when the train failed to stop in Lawrence, Kansas for a scheduled rally.
A Secret Service agent was to blame (and called a “son of a bitch”) when John Kerry fell while skiing in Idaho.

Wutza Bloog?

Tammy and I made a trip to Amarillo this weekend to attend my grandma’s 80th birthday. It was a great time to catch up with the fam and eat lots and lots of food. Of course, the question was posed several times, “So what are you up to?” So, of course, I talked about getting back into biking and climbing, working with the kids at church, and working on my personal web site and blog.

Blog… this was met each time with a confused look and “What’s a blog?” Hmm. How do you explain without sounding like you have no life? It’s a diary on the internet. Yyyeah. That sounds like something a real loser would do. It’s a journal, where I can talk about my personal and professional life, politics, religion, or whatever, and anyone can come read it and post comments. Well, that sounds a little better, but not much. Who would want to come and read that on a regular basis.

Next, I would try to explain that there are many blogs that I read every day from people in my industry or related fields; web design, web programming, graphic design, etc. It’s a great way to stay on the bleeding edge of technology and design trends. But invariably, I would get off on a tangent about the fun stuff, like Rob Cockerham’s “How much is inside”, or Steve’s “Steve, don’t eat it!”

I guess what it comes down to is this: Yes, I have a diary on the web, and yes, I am a serious geek. Loser? No. Not a loser. Just misunderstood by the main stream. (Okay, that does sound like something a loser would say. I give up.)


I’ve got a whole new supply of Conversation Enhancers!

“None of us is as dumb as all of us.”

Ah, Progress

When you think of China, I’ll be you think of The Great Wall, rich history, lush country sides, and lots of tea and rice. Right? I’m sure that’s what the International Olympic Committee was thinking of when they awarded the 2008 Summer Olympics to Beijing. I’m sure it will be an amazing specticle, especially concidering these facts:

China, the last “1st world” country still clinging to communism, has boomed economicly in the last few decades after opening it’s doors to western commerce and culture.

That is, except for religion. The Chinese government acknowledges imprisonling 3000 people for practicing religion. Most civil rights groups believe the true number is exponentially higher.

Oh, and don’t forget their “family” policy. In China, it is against the law to have more than one child. Because of this, most female children are aborted or killed after birth, since they can not carry on the family name. Women found carrying a second child are taken into government custody and given and abortion, whether they want it or not.

Okay, okay, so they’ve got some policy issues, but just look at their amazing technilogical progress!

China has nearly completed the biggest hydro-electric dam in the world, the mighty Three Gorges Dam. The project is to provide huge amounts of electricity and control flooding along the Yangtze river. The United States used a paltry 4.3 million cubic meters of concrete to create that silly little Panama Canal. The Three Gorges Dam contains 26.4 million!! An engineering master piece, right?

Well, maybe not. Since construction began, around 80 cracks have developed in the dam. Of course that’s only counting the cracks that are over 8 feet DEEP. Not all those silly surface cracks that are only 6 or 7 feet deep.

Almost two million chinese citizens will lose their homes and land when the dam and resevoir are complete. That’s roughly the population of the entire state of New Mexico. 40% of the people displaced by the dam will receive no compensation from the Chinese government.

Well, at least they’re got that flooding under control. Nope. The deforestation and massive earth moving project that rerouted the Yangtze River for the dam project has caused the flooding to get worse. Just a few days ago, the river and locks around the dam had to be closed because of flooding in the area. The concern now is that water will have to be released from the not quite finished dam. The deluge down stream is likely to devistate several villages.

Okay, well how about that Great Wall, huh? That’s a great piece of work. It must take a great country to build a wall like that! True. It took 1.8 million forced laborers back in 555 A.D., many of whom died in the process and some are actually entombed inside the wall. Funny. That’s the same number of people who homes are going to be under a lake. What a coincidence.

Velcome to My Lair

As you can see, I’ve moved my blog “in-house”. My personal web site is hosted on Blue Host, and one of the many perks that drew me to them is fact that they offer all kinds of great site tools through Fantastico. One of those tools is WordPress, the blog tool I’m using now. My buddy Randy Peterman openly campaigns for WordPress pretty often. It’s good stuff.

WordPress is able to pull in all my old posts from Blog Spot through the RSS feed. It also gives me the ability to design the layout from scratch. Bear with me as I work out these features. I intend to have a new gah-rooovy-bay-bee design for this blog real soon.

See you then!

Yaay Free Speech!

This web site didn’t render very well for me using Firefox, but you can still see the “Watch The Trailer” and “Buy The DVD” buttons, which are most important.

By the way, Hollywood, do us all a favor and stay out of politics. You really don’t get it.

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