After years leading Palestinians in their struggle against Israel, Yasser Arafat has decided on a new career. He has accepted an appointment to lead a small, blue race in their own struggle. Arafat will be crowned the new Papa Smurf early next week.
“Smurfs have lived under the thumb of that Semite Dog Gargomel long enough. Under my guidance they will finally live free,” the former PLO leader claimed.
The former Papa Smurf, whose real name is Karl Lafargue, was on hand when Arafat received the news of his appointment. Lafargue has served as Papa Smurf since 1981 and is stepping down from the post citing his failing health. However, inside sources claim that Papa Smurf is bowing to political pressure from militant smurfs who seek to gain independence from Gargomel, a regional war lord.
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