WBQotW #1

The White Board Quip of the Week is a tradition reaching back to my first cubicle white board (interning at Hewlett Packard in 1998). About once a week I put some off-the-wall saying or sound bite on my cubicle white board. Now that SYNS is fully functional, I will be sharing my WBQotW here as well. Now, through the magic of the internet, all the world can reap the rewards previously available only to those few souls who could physically meander into my cube.

And now (*trumpet fanfare*) I present WBQotW #1:

If God had meant people to run around naked, they’d be born that way!

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Yes OR No. It’s that simple, Mr. Kerry

John Kerry presented well in the first debate last night. He was articulate, clear, and stayed on message. The message was not bad either. The only problem is the message was inconsistent with the last seven years of his own rhetoric.

If you’ve got sound on your computer and you have about 13 minutes to listen to several speech and interview clips, I STRONGLY encourage you to watch this video that chronicles the inconsistency of this candidate. This is not “spin”. This is not misrepresentation. This is 13 minutes of Mr. Kerry’s own words and in the end, it just doesn’t add up.

Windows Media Player (or compatible) required:

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