Whoa Momma!

I’ve heard of some big babies. Nine pounds, nine and a half, maybe even ten. You know, the kind of baby that makes you think “OW!”

Well, hold on to your jaw.

Francisca Ramos dos Santos of Salvador, Brazil is the proud mother of a bouncing baby boy, weighing… seriously, you need to be sitting down for this… 16.7 pounds! That’s closer to the average weight of a six month old. In case you were wondering, a hospital offical said, “Obviously the baby was born by Caesarean section.” THANK GOODNESS!!

Complete article.

Jumbo Poo

Huh?It is truly a brave new world. Thank God for technology in the 21st century. After tens of thousands of years, mankind has finally “arrived”. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s true. Believe it or not, man has toilet trained elephants!

Toilet trained elephants?!

Yep. They’re even talking about turning the properly pottying pachyderms into a tourist attraction. And you thought your job sucked. Can you imagine how much Charmin an elephant uses? Gives a whole new meaning to “jumbo roll”.

Read the complete article here.

Ripped (or should I say wiped) from Randypants.

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