Fat Fashion

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Fat Guy

Buffet MolesterI saw this banner ad on my favorite web comic, PvP. Scott Kurtz, who draws PvP, is a large fellow and has made many comments on his site about his size and how people react to it. I’m no fan of obesity, but I can certainly appreciate a good sense of humor. And the shirts on this web site are plain old funny. See all the designs at

NUTs Nix Playground Perverts

Okay, so that headline is a little off, but it was fun to come up with!

In the news in London, the National Union of Teachers, NUTs for short (I’m not making this up!), are championing a campaign to ban sexist insults on school playgrounds. It seems that the NUTs have decided that words like “slut” and “whore” promote domestic violence. (Wha?)

A NUT spokeswoman [edit: *snicker*] said: “Words like these promote the attitude that females are lesser beings, and as lesser beings they can become the target of violence… We need to nip that attitude in the bud and get kids to treat each other with respect.”

Playground kids… Respect… Yyyeah… Good luck with that.

No word yet on the legality of “Poop-head”.

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