It’d be funny if it weren’t so true.

Once in a while, Dilbert hits a little too close to home. I refer to such situations as “It’d be funny if it weren’t so true.” WBQotW #38 is just such a quip.

Good ol’ Wally… He’s a combination of two archtypes, the anti-social engineer and the guy who puts a lot of effort into not doing any work. Now, my biggest personal weakness is that I’m not as hard a worker as I’d like to be. Okay, I’m lazy. I said it. I hope you’re happy. I don’t like to admit it because it’s not something I’m proud of. Once in a while, good ol’ Wally says something that makes me laugh for a second. Then I stop when I realize that I do that too. Then, it’s not so funny.

I used to read, but it’s faster to make stuff up.

*sigh* It’s true.

Okay, okay…

I’ve been dragging my feet, trying not to post anything big until my Grand Teton trip report is ready. But here it is September 6th, and it’s still not finished. I’ve been very busy… yes… very very busy doing… something… something I call “being lazy”. It’s hard work being lazy. It takes commitment! You just can’t put off being lazy. It’s something that you can only do “in the now”.

I swear the trip report is more than halfway done. I’ve culled the 230 pictures I took down to about two dozen that are cropped and ready.

Now, if you just can’t stand the tension and simply must have the spoiler then I will provide you with what you need. Simply high-light the following line to reveal the trip spoiler (using my patented reveal-o-magic technology).

We didn’t make the summit of Grand Teton. THERE! Now you know the rotten, painful truth. HAPPY?!

Missed it by that much

It is always flattering when you see a design very much like your own published by someone else. (Insert some inane quip about plagery and flattery here.) But, recently, someone used a similar 50’s design with a very non-50’s color scheme over at CSS Zen Garden. The end result… Happy Days meets Monkey Hurlage. Peeeee Yeeww!!

See it if you dare.

Check out CSS Zen Garden.

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