WBQotW #43

This weeks WBQotW comes from that bastion of political correctness… Saturday Night Live.

I’ve seen women act this way. They frighten the cattle!


I’ve got a long line of articles and wit queued up to share with you, but today all that takes a back seat to something bigger; something true.

There’s a girl in our youth group who is so tuned in, so sold out to God, so in love with Christ that it inspires me. Being a Christian is not about going to church or saying a prayer before you eat Sunday dinner. It’s not about doing anything. It’s about being. It’s about being in love with your Savior. It’s about having a passion that drives you to live for God. Yes, there are “good deeds” that come as a result, but that’s the “ends” rather than the “means”.

Please do me a personal favor and take the time to read this article about being a Christian in a lost world. (You may have to hi-lite the text to read it.) This is from a fifteen year old girl who has more wisdom than 90% of the academics in this country (and probably 99% of the world in general).

From the mouths’ of babes…

(Way to go Holly!)

Less IS More

I remember back in 2001 I was working at military contract firm with Josh Mondragon. Back then, I got all my news and did all my web searches from One day, looking over Josh’s shoulder I saw for the first time.

What value could that site possibly be? There’s nothing on it! There’s no information, no news, no weather, no cute customizable layout. Just a dorky logo and a search form. How worthless is that?!

Then, I started using Google when my searches on Yahoo didn’t find what I was looking for. Then I noticed how remarkablly fast Google was. Within a week, “google” had become a new verb in my lexicon. Within a month, Google was my new default home page.

There’s more to Google than fast searches. There’s something that draws people to simple design. I found an article a while back that compared Yahoo and Google over time, as Google moved from a garage company to the internet powerhouse. There’s a great image of the screen shot progression over the years. (Click here to see it.)

Now, given that simple, boring layout, and given the fact that Google’s profits are now bigger than the GNP of most 3rd world countries, which layout would you prefer on your web site?

Yeah, me too. (But blogs don’t count. I’m sticking with the silly 50’s theme, thank you very much.)

Read the complete article here.

Microsoft… yaay.

I find myself once again in Microsoft trainging all week… or as I like to call it Gates Brain Washing. This week I’m learning why only a total waste of human plasma would dare use anything other than Microsoft SQL server. In fact, even if you don’t need a database server, you should probably mortgage your children so that you can buy Microsoft SQL server just in case you might someday need an Enterprise Level Relational Data Base Server to store your Christmas card mailing list.

Oh, and Oracle is the spawn of Satan.

A rose by any other domain…

For a while, I’ve been bothered by the fact that “Surely You’re Not Serious” lives on my domain. It seemed like the blog really needed it’s own named domain. Well, guess what… Yep! (How’d you guess? Are you psychedelic?!)

Yahoo Small Business is offering domain registration at retardedly cheap prices. For just $3 you can register your own domain. Now, for the price of a Double Whopper, you can register all those crazy domains you’ve been dreaming of. You know, like or (Sorry, is already taken.)

Anyway, go ahead and update your bookmarks! We are now broadcasting loud and proud on!!


(Updated Technorati Profile)


Did you ever have one of those dreams where you’re falling?

You know, the one where you’re falling through big white clouds…

In a skimpy bathing suit…

And bouncing off the clouds…

And when you get stuck, someone uses their mouse to lift you up and drop you again…


No. Me neither, but if you ever wondered what it would be like, check this out.

Falling chick.


This just in…

Madonna (the “entertainer”, not the mother of our Lord and Savior) has declared that, “Most priests are gay.”

In other news…

Most “entertainers” are stupid.

We now return you to your regular programming.

(via Drudge)


Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s Wednesday. So this quip only gets half a week. It’s not a very good quip anyway.

(Man, I sound so angry today. *Thinks happy thoughts* Mmmm peach cobbler… Okay. I’m better now.)

Here is yet another quip from the movie French Kiss.

I get around as nature intended… in a car.

Alright already!

Yes, yes, I know. I need to post more. Good grief. No sooner than your blog actually draws a healthy following, they start taking up torches and pitch forks! Let them eat cake!!

I’m just kidding. I’m glad I have any following at all and I’m thankful that they gently remind me that they are starving for my brilliant wit and biting satire. Thank you, my people. You may kiss the hem of my robe now as I warm up my keyboard and give you some internet manna.

WBQotW #Quarante et un (41)

You may recall that before all the brouhaha of moving to a new office, the WBQotW was a quote from the movie French Kiss. This week I offer another such quote.

“I don’t know what they taught you in France, but rude and interesting are not the same things.”

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