It’s Geek Link Day!

Time for some geek links!

I love William Shatner. The guy has an endless sense of humor and is always willing to poke fun at himself. If you can’t laugh at yourself, rest assured everyone else will!

Shatner serenades George Lucas. (I LOVE everyone’s face when Shatner comes on stage at a Star Wars event.)

From an old Saturday Night Live sketch, Shatner trashes Trekkies. (The audio and video don’t jive, but it’s still funny.)

What could be more geek than a montage of Star Trek (TOS) dubbed to Monty Python’s “Camelot”?!

For a true 80’s kid geek, the only thing cooler than a Trek/Python parody is a LEGO/Python parody. (Watch closely for the parrot sketch reference.)

And for those of you who have never seen the original (*gasp*) or those who just can’t get enough, here is the Monty Python version of the Monty Python song. Umm. Right.

And, precisely because you didn’t expect it… The Spanish Inquisition (in two parts).

I loves me some YouTube! It’s a brave new world!

Sad day.

Death bedI don’t like to bring sad news to my blog. It is, in its very nature, a place to laugh, but I don’t feel much like laughing today.

Last night, we got a phone call that we’d been expecting. One of our “kids”, Rachel, called to let us know her dad went home. He was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor a month or so ago. Rachel, an 8th grader in our youth group, lives with her mom, but was very close to her dad. She’s been dealing with depression, frustration, and anger (as anyone would) since the diagnosis and Tammy and I have done all we could to love and encourage her and her mom.

Just past midnight, we headed over to Rachel’s grandmother’s house where he had been living under hospice care. We hung out until about 3 AM when the mortuary folks came and took his body.

Tammy’s never experienced death up close. It’s probably the topic she’s most uncomfortable with and I was curious to see how she would handle the situation. She was perfect.

I firmly believe that God uses bad situations to accomplish good things. I think that last night was the best possible way to expose Tammy to this part of life. Since she was not related to the person who died (in fact, we never even met the guy) she didn’t have to deal with her own feelings of loss. Instead she was able to focus her energy on loving those who were hurting. She was exposed to the experience without having to experience it. I’m confident that this will give her what she needs to deal with the experience herself down the road.

It’s funny how our culture has such a hard time with death. I’ve seen cemeteries in Europe where people sit and eat lunch among the tombs as they would in a city park. In some cultures, funerals are celebrations of either a life well lived or a passage into a better existence than ours. In some cultures (sadly), death is praised as an admirable service to god and country, a tool of war.

But here, we avoid it at all costs. We shutter when we drive by a cemetery. We spend most of our life, and a good chunk of our income, trying to cheat death, trying to stay young, anything to keep us from the thought that we will ever die. Why is that?

Personally, I prefer the teachings of Paul: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” I don’t look forward to the process of dying. I know that there are folks who will be very sad when I’m gone. But ultimately, I know that death will be a victory. I know that when I leave this body, I will stand in the presence of God, full of praise and joy that will never end. If you don’t have that same knowledge, I would love to share it with you.

Today’s Silliness…

If only I had the time, the means, and that many friends (quiet sob), I would do something like this.

Human Space Invaders

WBQotW #72

The politicians will be warming up soon and we’ll be hearing all about what this country really needs. In that spirit, I present this week’s white board quip.

What this country really needs is someone who knows what this country really needs.

Today’s Silliness…

You saw the Jedi Squirrels. Now, a SYNS original (Honest! I made it myself!):

Revenge of the Squirrel

Infidel, be warned!

This morning, from a cave somewhere in Pakistan, Taliban Minister Mohammed Omar, warned the United States that if military action against Iraq continues, Taliban authorities will cut off America’s supply of convenience store managers. And if this action does not yield sufficient results, cab drivers will be next, followed by Dell customer service reps.

The Story of My Life

I was going to come up with something witty to say about this weeks White Board Quip, but I’ll do it later.

The best thing about procrastination is that you are never bored, because you have all kinds of things that you should be doing.

Nap… check. Pictures posted… check.

I got the write up done and the pictures posted from the mission trip. Check it out here.

I’m Home…. Zzzzz

I’m home from the mission trip. I have about 150 pictures, not all of which are worth sharing, but I’m way too tired to cull, resize and crop them. But I promised to get them out ASAP, so I have a zip file of the raw images straight off the camera. It’s a 67 megabyte file, but if you must have them right away, then you’ll be willing to wait for the download. Clicky clicky.

I’ll get a write up done soon, but right now I have to stay awake long enough to put together tomorrow’s Sunday school lesson.


Ah, I remember my first time.

It’s been a year (almost to the day) since my first middle school mission trip. Wow. Only a year. It seems like it’s been … well … more than that. I went on that mission trip because I felt God was calling me to apply for the middle school youth minister position at our church. It was a test. I guess you could say I passed. I applied for the job and didn’t get it. I was glad that they didn’t offer me the job, because the same week they announced who got it, I got a fat raise at my current job, and I didn’t want to have to turn that down. See, God does have a sense of humor, but he also has a heart.

Even though I didn’t get the job, I realized that I fit much better with the middle schoolers than the high schoolers. (Hey. Stop that snickering. It has nothing to do with my maturity level, you neener heads!) I taught Sunday school for the eighth grade boys all year. It was tough sometimes, but I really feel that God used me and I have some great relationships with those guys.

Tonight, I’m packing for my second MSMT and thinking about the experience of last year. (You can read about it here.) I feel unworthy. I know it’s going to be hot and exhausting work but I also know that God is going to do amazing things. I’m eager to see what God has in store, but I know that I am a fragile jar of clay, unworthy of the treasure that is inside me, the treasure that God is going to pour out this week.

Pray for the trip. Pray for our middle schoolers. Pray for the little ghetto kids who are going to experience God’s love this week. See you next week!

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