WBQotW #81

Thanks for all the well wishes and encouragement (via email, myspace, etc.). I’ll get back to my normal blog routine someday. Til then, enjoy my white board.

Why don’t you ever see the headline “Psychic Wins Lottery”?

Still For Sale

Another couple of payments have cleared, so I can afford to reduce the price on Daisy. Even if you’re not interested, do me a favor and spread the word. It’s all about the networking!

Time Bandits

I so miss the days when I had so much free time that I got bored. As I sit in my office, waiting for the project to compile (at 10PM), I fill the gap by watching short videos on the internet.

This guy reminds me of the kind of stuff I used to do when I was about 14, with my parent’s video camera. Of course, back then you couldn’t hook up your camera to your iMac and splice it down to the individual frame. Instead, I had a creative collection of wires and adapters, two VCRs and a tape deck. My stuff sucked. This guy’s stuff rocks.

Keep in mind he does no special effects. He’s just rearranging the frames of video. Really very cool. (Makes me want a video camera, an iMac … oh yeah … and about a week with nothing better to do.)

Lasse Gjertsen:

Oh… Compile’s done. *sigh*

WBQotW #80

As the deadline for my project approaches (in the same manner that the iceberg approached the Titanic), I thought this quip appropriate for the white board this week.

I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them. – E.V. Lucas

Wish List

Posting wish lists to the web has always seemed a little vain to me. Look, here! Buy me something because I’m so wonderful, but I don’t have time to talk to you about gift ideas.

However, I do keep a running list of shirts, I’d like to own, so I can send it to Tammy or other family members when the ask “What do you want for ?”

I just ran across another shirt today that I really want and though, “You know, I really should make this list a little more accessible. It is my birthday after all and no one has asked me what I want. Maybe it’s because they don’t know I have a list! And I am so wonderful!”

So, I’ve decided to carve a few minutes out of my work day and get My T-Shirt Wish List online.

Worst Birthday Ever

Grumpy BDayToday, the Earth is very near to its position relative to the sun that it was on the day I was born. The Earth has mad thirty-three laps since then and to celebrate this occasion, I will be going home from work at a reasonable hour… for a change.

I was thinking about it this morning… at 12:30 AM… as I was driving home from work. “Happy Birthday! Wheeee.” For the last six weeks, I’ve been working retardedly long hours (~14 hours a day) and life is blurring all around me. I feel like the guy in that weird special effect, where he’s going in slow motion and all the people around him are buzzing around him at three times normal speed. Other than Sunday afternoon’s, I haven’t seen my wife for more than ten minutes at a time. I’ve missed numerous church events. And, having not exercised anything but my typing fingers in all that time, I’ve gained about 15 pounds. And, as an added bonus, half of the company is going to a funeral today so their all dressed in black and moping around.

But then, I got to thinking. This is definitely not my worst birthday ever. I’m financially comfortable. I’m relatively healthy. My wife is proving her metal by being very supportive even though she’s got lots of reasons to be grumpy (more on this later). And, even though it’s killing me, I really do enjoy my work.

On my fourth birthday, I got in the one and only fight I’ve ever had with my best friend Galyn. I ended up throwing a hot-wheels car at him for which I got spanked. That’ll but a damper on the party!

I spent my fifteenth birthday in I.S.S. (No, not the international space station. In school suspension.) for getting in a fight during Spanish class. That was pretty sucky.

But I’d have to say my absolute worst birthday ever was my thirteenth. Never mind the fact that I was thirteen, with all it’s acne and hormonal anguish. I was with my family visiting friends in Virginia. Those friends are very “granola”, if you know what I mean, and I spent the week suffering through Coca-Cola withdrawals and eating enough carrot sticks to make Bugs Bunny nauseous. Oh, and I came home with pneumonia! Bonus!!

What is your worst birthday memory?

Need Plug-In. Willing To Upgrade.

Do any of you WordPress nuts out there know of a plug-in that converts your archive links into a calendar? Also, I’m looking for a way to paginate the posts you see when you click a category. Right now, my category views only go back about a year, so dozens of WBQotW’s are lost in obscurity where they can do no good for mankind.

Ahhh, the “WissyWig”

I don’t see these kinds of things very often anymore. (Probably because, lately, I spend more time on .NET forums and CSS design sites than the “Joe’s WAV page” ilk.) But I needed a WAV file for a new tool and ended up here.

In FireFox (my browser of choice), the page’s title screams so loud you can’t even understand it. “AMA…” Whoa! Try some decaf Gunga Din!

But, if you check out the site in IE (ala FireFox: Right-click, “View This Page In IE“. Nice.) all is well with the world and “Amadeus” is a tame as a kitten.

“How could this be?!” you ask. Well, a quick perusal of the page source shows you what this page’s owner never saw. The WYSIWYG editor he/she used when a little nuts on the formatting.

<big> <big> <font color=”#ffffff” face=”Arial”> <big> <strong> <em> <big> <big> <big> <big> <big> <big>Amadeus</big> </big> </big> </big> </big> </big> </em> </strong> </big> </font> </big> </big>

IE sees all that silly over-formatting and ignores it. “Ha! Silly user. You must be using FrontPageĀ®.” But FireFox faithfully answers the call and explodes your text all over the page.

If you’re thinking I’ve already talked about this, you’re right.

Daisy 4 Sale

It’s official. Daisy is up for sale. Spread the word, or buy that little gem for yourself!

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