Merry Christmas!!

Yes. Yes it was. Thanks for asking.

Today is Boxing Day. The weather in Dallas was very… Dallasy. Muggy, windy, and nearly 80 degrees. So, we spent most of the day indoors, enjoying every minute of our “us” time.

For Christmas, St. Nick surprised Tammy with a Wii. I did capture her ecstatic proclamation on video (“We got a ‘weewee’!!”) but I doubt it will ever see publication. *wink* We did go out and do a little shopping to find Mario Kart. We played Wii sports, Mario Kart, and Lego Batman with great relish. (And yes, both of us are feeling the wee effects of Wii sports. I’m too young to be this old.) As I type this, Tammy is in the other room virtually cursing and virtually throwing her virtual clubs into the virtual lake. (“No! Too hard! Oh no! Not in the trees!! STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!”)

I got a plethora of t-shirts, some not even from my wish-list! I also got a professional tripod to get my photography “tack sharp.”

Tammy made a feast fit for a king and we’ve been enjoying the leftovers: ham, stuffing, and green bean casserole, plus pie and cake!

Speaking of pie and cake, I’ve spent the last month diligently preparing for my new years bulge battle. I figure if I “pad” my numbers before the 1st, then I can brag of losing more weight! Pad… get it? Literally!!

We also made two trips to the movies. Bolt was “so awesome” (Once you see it, that line will make you giggle.) And Despereaux was inspired. Seriously. Reviews to follow.

Now, I’ve got some actual work to do, which I am procrastinating on at this very second. Need to prepare a few Sunday school lessons and nail down plans for the youth New Years Eve parties.

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