Mexico Mission 2008 (The Lost Post)

[I discovered this unfinished post today. It kills me that I never finished this and posted it. Somehow, it slipped through the cracks. It’s long, and unfinished, but definitely worth the read.]

Glenview Baptist Church has a great mission program and has really done a great job of raising up young missionaries. We start off with sixth graders (about 12 years old) doing work projects at a sister church here in inner city Fort Worth. Middle school goes to San Antonio where the seventh graders (13) are on the “work crew”, usually sorting donations to a shelter or food bank, and painting a church and eighth graders (14) put on a four day vacation bible school (VBS). By the time our kids are in high school, they have a good understanding of working for God, working with kids, and the general mechanics of a mission trip. We take them to Mexico where they feed the poor, put on VBSs, do some hard labor and really get to see God working. The juniors and seniors (17 and 18) also have the opportunity to make a trip overseas where the main focus is evangelism.

Glenview also has a “family” mission trip each year around spring break. The last two years we’ve gone to New Orleans and done construction. This trip is a great opportunity for parents and kids to server together. Plus, “young” grown-ups like me (34) get to work along side “seasoned” folks (as old as 77) and pick up some great wisdom (not to mention some really great construction skills).

In the past few years, I’ve spent the majority of my vacation time on the family and middle school trips. But 2008 is my 5th year at my current job and I’ve got an extra week of vacation. I was able to add Mexico to the mix for the first time.

We pulled out of the church around 8AM on the first Saturday in July. The 10 hour drive was mostly uneventful other than some heavy rain. We crossed the border from Brownsville to Matamoros and checked in to our hotel. The culture shock began.

The hotel was really nice, all things considered. Air conditioned rooms with two full beds (for four people), a cozy restaurant (that served great Mexican food three times a day) and a gated parking lot (although with two mini-buses and three vans, it was more than cozy). By U.S. standards it was a “Motel 2”, but this is a mission trip, so it was much more than I was used to. With a bed and three squares a day, a missionary’s cup overfloweth.

Then there was the rain. It rained and rained and rained and rained. If you’ve never been to Mexico (other than the tourist traps) you may not know that their public works are not always up to snuff. Our five teams were assigned five small churches in a very poor neighborhood where only one or two streets are paved and drainage is something your nose experiences, but the roads don’t. The motto of our mission trips is “be flexible” and it was put to the test by ankle deep mud and knee deep “poo water”.

On Sunday we canvassed the neighborhoods handing out fliers and inviting kids to our VBS. Now, you have to picture this to really get the sense of it. You’ve got a handful of very American teenagers in their “Hollister” t-shirts and cargo shorts wading through mud and water in the pouring rain handing out soaked papers to people huddled in their ramshackle huts with cloth curtains for doors and concrete floors (if their lucky). On top of all that, the Americans have been coached to say about four words of Spanish, which they get wrong 50% of the time. “Eskwellah bibli-eh man-yawn-uh en la Eeglay-sia.” The reaction from the locals was a mix of terror and hilarity.

Sunday night, we all met at the “mother” church for their evening service. The two story cinder block building was one of the nicer in the area but the slick, greasy mud outside incapacitated two of our vans (including the one I drove for the week).

The service was amazing and the pastors and volunteers from the churches where we’d be working sang with us and prayed over us in a truly stirring experience. I was able to pick out a dozen or so words of the head pastor’s message, but I knew exactly what he was saying when he asked for strong men to roll up their pants and help us free our vans from the muck.

Lesson #1: The people we came to help would make great sacrifices for us at the drop of a hat. They understand God’s command to be a servant.

Monday, we started VBS. My team had 35 kids show up which was a lot and considering the continued rain and mud. We counted it a blessing. Another blessing came in the form of the local volunteers. They were well organized and well prepared to teach their lessons. That was a double blessing because we arrived with zero Spanish interpreters. I know just enough Spanish to embarrass myself, but as it turned out Enrique, the pastor of our church, knew exactly that much English. Between the two of us (with a lot of hand waving and sound effects) we were able to keep things rolling. “Glory de Dios!”

On Monday night we held church services at our local churches. We sang songs (in Spanish), performed a dramatic mime, and couple of our kids told their testimonies through a translator. Then one of our kids gave a short sermon, again translated. Our translator for the evening was “Grandpa” Paul, the missionary who’d coordinated the trip with our church. He’s nearly fluent in Portuguese, which is close enough to Spanish that he can make do.

That night, one of the other groups had to cancel their evening service due to the water around their church. (Later in the week, that church became known as “The Island”.) That meant that Steve Melton (the leader of the other group) got to share in the joy of driving down Camino Real, the “paved” street that ended near my group’s church.

For about four miles, you drive through a commercial area; “quaint” restaurants, fruit stands, mechanics, etc. Then, the buildings abruptly stop and on both sides of the road there’s nothing but empty fields. Depending how heavily it had rained, this was about where the road went under water.

It was at this same point that the “paved-ness” of the road became more academic. For about a half mile, under one or two feet of murky water, there hid colossal pot holes, nay, craters, some that spanned the whole road. They were like buried land mines waiting to swallow our van. There was at least one that was deep enough that, when I hit it at the wrong angle, our van’s frame hit the ground and we jolted to a stop. Fortunately, with sufficient long-skinny-pedal, I was able to back out and take a different angle.

Lesson #2: If you can’t see the road under the water, drive really slowly.

Out there, in what we called “the lake”, the water came up over the bumpers of our van. Steve was driving one of the mini-buses and the water came in through the double doors onto the entry steps. Honestly it was kind of fun. It had that tinge of adrenaline you get while four-wheeling, only amplified by driving a two-wheel-drive van loaded with teenagers in a place with no AAA and you can’t speak the language. What a rush!

Tuesday, more rain. After our morning VBS, we were supposed to do some door-to-door evangelism, but the rain and mud (and lack of translators) had squelched that idea. Instead, we made coffee in two of our big Gatorade coolers, bought a bunch of “sweet bread” and headed to the local hospital. One of the small church pastors took us there along with his niece and her boyfriend (Axa and Gustavo), all of whom could speak English. We handed out coffee, bread, and evangelism tracts. We shared the the Good News of Christ as best we could (the bilinguals helped a lot). We were only allowed to send small groups (two or three plus a translator) into the hospital to pray with people and share the Gospel, but that was enough to bring a few souls to Christ.

[I don’t know why I never finished this. I don’t remember enough now to do it justice. We made a trip to the dump to hand out sack lunches to the people who live there. Yes. They live in the dump. We also evangelized in the Matamoros tourist market. I can’t wait to go back!]

March of the Music Man

There’s a meme going around again that’s as old as the iPod. (Jeez, if the iPod is actually old, then I’m dead and a half!) You put your iPod on shuffle and then post the first line of the first 30 songs. People then try to guess the song and artist. It’s surprisingly revealing. What you listen to says a lot about who you are.

I don’t have an iPod (Tammy does), but I do use to iTunes. I never listen to iTunes on full shuffle. I have several play lists that are very specific for what I need: “Relaxing Jazz”, “Coding Classical”, “Coding Rock”, “Fun Rock”, and of course, “U2”, plus a bunch of weird music I don’t listen to that often. So it will be interesting see what comes of this.

Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.

Step 2: Post the first line or stanza from the first 30 songs that play (unless it reveals the song title), no matter how embarrassing.

Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and song title correctly in the comments.

Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is cheating.

Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!

(I’ll have to skip a of instrumentals and audio books. But I’ll make notes of what I skipped.)

(Skipped Tales that Really Matter – LotR: Two Towers soundtrack)

1. Mom and dad, I am fine, how are you?

(Skipped Pilgrim’s Progress, book 1, chapter 7)

2. I can’t stop thinking about it, I don’t like living without it.

(Skipped Love Theme – Batman soundtrack)

3. Pack up all my cares and woe. Feeling low. Here I go.

4. Where I came from there were no hills at all.

5. Seven o’clock in the evening, watching something stupid on TV.

6. We met these sisters, _______’s their last name. (Word removed for rule #2 above.)

(Skipped Treasure Island, chapter 19)

7. There seems to be something going on inside of you.

(Skipped Edoras – LotR: Two Towers soundtrack)

8. Receive Him! (Sorry, this breaks rule #2 above.)

(Skipped Einstein (biography), chapter 7)

9. Request the honor of your presence, the tear gas has blown away.

10. If you’ve been there, put your hands in the air and let somebody know that the Most High cares. (Used second line for rule #2 above.)

(Skipped The Battle of Stirling – Braveheart soundtrack)

11. When I was young, the smallest trick of light would catch my eye.

(Skipped A Family Affair – PotC: Dead Man’s Chest soundtrack)
(Skipped Sent for You Yesterday, Count Basie and His Orchestra)
(Skipped Alice in Wonderland, chapter 12)

12. I have climbed the highest mountains, I have run through the fields.

(Skipped Achilles Footwear, Eddie Izzard – Glorious)
(Skipped Huckleberry Finn, chapter 5)

13. “There must be some way outta here,” said the joker to the thief.

14. I’ve had questions without answers. I’ve known sorrow. I’ve known pain.

(Skipped First Confrontation – Batman soundtrack)

15. Since you’ve been gone, since you’ve been unglued, it’s hard to figure out your next move.

16. Come on, babe, why don’t we paint the town?

17. Lord my God, in the morning show me how I can serve you today.

18. In the quickness of our haste it seems we forget how to live.

19. Let me introduce you somebody that I know.

(The Great River – LotR: Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack)

20. I wear a disguise. I’m just your average Jane.

21. You left me sad and lonely. Why did you leave me lonely?

22. And now the purple dusk of twilight time steals across the meadows of my heart.

23. I was born the child of grace. Nothing else about the place.

24. The flowers they cover your feet. All the colors of you and they shine over all I see.

(Skipped Caravan, Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra)

25. Make me. Take me. Break me.

26. You see in the past I had a dream, a fantasy.

27. Tears have fallen. Water beads. Wipe the floor with my regrets.

(Skipped Sing Sing Sing, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra)
(Skipped Freedom Theme, Braveheart soundtrack)

28. I’d rather take a shot in the chest than take a shot in the back.

29. I had a song about clouds and rainbows. I hum a tune that sings like a dove.

(Skipped American Patrol, Glenn Miller Orchestra)

30. Hold me close and hold me fast. The magic spell you cast.

Next week sometime, I’ll post all the answers. There’s no way you guys are going to guess all these.


To my friends on Facebook, I apologize that their silly application just spammed you with a gazillion posts from my blog all at once. For my blog readers, allow me to explain.

I have been a “lurker” on several social network sites for years (starting with Xanga). The main reason for this was so I could keep tabs on the kids in our youth group. If you want to know what’s really going on in a kid’s life, you must follow them on the latest networking site.

I say I’m a lurker because, well, I am. I do very little posting on Facebook. I turn down 99% of the application invitations I get. I don’t have time to be kidnapped, or to exchange buttons, or send beverages, or poke, or hug, or slap, or anything else.

There’s an old meme going around again on Facebook and I thought I’d give it a shot. While trying to figure out how to post a note (Took me half an hour, dangit.) I found a place I could link my blog to Facebook via RSS. So, I did. And Facebook promptly posted my last ten blog posts as new notes like some kind of blog machine gun. Thanks for turning me into a spammer, Facebook!

Anyway. If you’re reading this on Facebook, the come check out my real blog: Surely You’re Not Serious.

Oh, and by the way. You know that whole giving up the internet for Lent thing? Yeah. Not doing too good.

WBQotW #170

Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down.
– Steven Wright

Final Update on Dad

First, thanks to everyone for your prayers and support.

They did another “heart cath” to take a look around and decide what medicine would work best. While in there, they found a small blockage and put in a stint. Lucky find.

He’s on new meds and under observation until mid day Wednesday. Then he comes home. He’s limited on physical activity for a while until all the pokes and prods heal up. Then it’s back to life as usual. Well, sort of. He’ll be on heart meds permanently and he needs to walk around the ranch more rather than taking the golf cart everywhere.

We’re all glad to have this episode behind us.

In Love With My Phone

In my case, it’s a Treo 700w.
Please Pray

[Update: See below.]

Last week, my dad had a procedure done to fix a heart rhythm problem. He was having rapid heart beat episodes about once a week. It was not a major issue, just a “minor irritation” (my mom’s words). Since the procedure, he has had one or two episodes a day.

This morning (Sunday the 22nd), my mom was taking my niece home (about an hour away) when he had another episode, and this one was much worse. As mom rushed home, an ambulance was sent out to the ranch to bring him to the hospital in La Grange. Once they looked things over there, it was decided that he needed more care than they could offer.

As I’m typing this, he’s on a helicopter to the heart center in Austin where they will put in a pace-maker. They also may do more “while they’re in there” to try and fix the problem.

If you are a regular reader, you’ve seen my dad’s comments. He’s a tough old guy, kind of a John Wayne character, always reliable and rarely sick. He’s the kind of guy who hates to be a bother and would rather just take some pills and tough it out than go to the doctor. So, for everyone in my family, this is pretty scary business.

Please be in prayer for my dad, for the doctors who will treat him, and for my mom.



It’s Monday morning. I just got off the phone with Mom. They put in a permanent pace-maker because Dad’s heart was stopping and restarting itself along with the rapid heartbeat. This is just to handle the stoppage. It won’t fix the rapidness.

They’re going to start him on medication to treat the rapid heartbeat and they’re going to probably put him on a sleep machine for his sleep apnea (something he’s probably needed to do for years). They think the snoring could have contributed to his problems. If the medication and sleep machine don’t help, they’ll take more drastic measures later.

The doctor seemed pretty calm about the situation and I get the feeling Dad’s out of the woods for now, but that could just be good bedside manor.

Today’s Silliness…

We’re home from the Galveston mission. Awesome trip. I hope to post more details later. Meanwhile…

It might just be the fact that I’m totally exhausted, but I literally had tears on my cheeks I laughed so hard at this video. Be prepared to watch this over and over. Also, remove any liquids from your mouth or the vicinity of your keyboard before watching. You have been warned.

WFHF: The Denthisth

I managed to pull off a Work-From-Home-Friday video this morning. Bonus!!

Also, please check out this video by a couple of guys who graduated from our church youth group. Really nicely done. They make me look bad, but then again, I put my videos together in minutes not weeks. They’re in a contest and more hits help! You can click on the video to go to YouTube and give them a good rating.

Quick Update

Ok. I have to do this quick because it’s getting late and I need sleep in a big way.

My whole idea about doing my surfing in the morning or after I had accomplished something in the evenings just isn’t working out. Between last night and tonight, I’ve caught up on some, but mostly just emptied out (i.e. “mark as read”) dozens and dozens of articles in my RSS feed. I haven’t really posted to my blog since I started this fast. And I have gotten a few comments from people who’ve noticed.

That’s both flattering and humbling. (I know. They’re opposites. Deal with it.) It’s cool to know that people are interested in what I have to say. It’s sad that I have not been delivering on the expectations I’ve developed in others.

I’m actually doing pretty good at the web fast. I say “pretty good” and not “great” because I have had some weak moments when I surfed at work, but not so much that it affected my productivity… well, until this afternoon. But still. Pretty good.

As for things to post about, I’ve got plenty, though all from my personal life instead of my news and humor reading, but I just really don’t have time to share. Sorry, Mom. I know I should communicate better. (As an aside, for those of you who caught my comment about Tammy’s health, which I completely forgot about; She’s fine. She had some tests. They were negative. Nuf said.)

Lastly, for your information,Tammy and I are leaving Saturday morning (early… blech) for Galveston with 126 other members of Glenview Baptist Church, ranging in age from single digits to over 70. We are going to clean up, rip out, and rebuild a great Texas town. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be fun. I’m taking my video camera, but I can’t promise I’ll have time to edit anything worthy of your fine tastes in entertainment.

Pray for us. And hang in there. I haven’t forgotten about you.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

P.S. Follow me on Twitter if you want more personal updates. I’ll be tweeting from the coast next week.

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