January 20, 2012 - 1:38 pm
I get a lot of spam. I mean a lot! But it’s not so bad because I know how to handle it. My personal advice for anyone who connects to the interwebs ever is to create a spam email account. I use HotMail. HotMail has a feature that sends all emails to a junk folder unless I know and have allowed the sender. Then, whenever a website (even a website I trust) asks for my email address, I use darkmanwork@hotmail.com. See?! I’m so confident that I’ll put my email address right here in the blog post!! Because I know if a spammer gets hold of it, they can do me no harm. Their scams and junk mail will end up harmlessly sitting in my junk folder. Because I do, on rare occasion get valid emails to that address, every couple of days, I scan through the junk folder. Some phishing emails I report to the owners of the site being phished (like when a get a fake email from PayPal or eBay). But most of it just gets deleted.
I get a lot of these Nigerian style scams. I scan through a few of them to chuckle at the grammar. But this one was so bad, it was too good to just toss in the trash. I present “Urgent!”
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