Contact Your Representative!

Obamacare is no joke and it’s already forcing the Liberal world view (the culture of death) on ALL Americans. Obamacare requires that ALL Americans get health coverage and, in the same breath, it requires ALL health coverage to include infanticide… er… sorry… “birth control.” Because, you see, “birth control” sounds nice. It sounds like freedom and happiness. But any time the Liberal Left says “birth control,” what they’re really saying is “abortion.” That is, after all, the ultimate birth control: killing the baby.

The Republican controlled house can’t do much while Obama sits atop his throne and his cronies control the Senate. But they can make as much noise as possible hoping that Obama’s Lap-dog Lame Stream media will be forced to comment.

HR 940 is one such shout. It’s the “Health Care Conscience Rights Act”; an amendment to Obamacare that would allow individuals and companies to purchase health insurance that does not go against their moral and/or religious convictions and it opens the door for insurance companies to offer policies that don’t include abortion.

You can see if your representative has already signed on to cosponsor the bill here. You will notice (if you’re a North Texan like me) that all three of the core conservative reps from DFW have already signed up: Joe Barton, Dr. Michael Burgess, and Kenny Marchant.

However, my new rep (thanks to redistricting), the “pro-choice conservative” (*HURK* ugh. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.) Kay Granger, has not yet signed on. I just sent her the following email via her website. (You can too!)

As I’m sure you know, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is forcing all Americans, including those who have serious religious or moral objections, to pay for insurance coverage that covers (and ultimately funds) abortion and other “birth control” solutions that involve the death of an unborn innocent.

Thankfully, true conservatives in the House have offered a solution: HR 940. I’m sure you will respect my choice to not pay for a procedure I consider immoral, joining other North Texas conservatives like Reps Barton, Burgess, and Marchant, and cosponsor this bill. Thank you for representing my conservative values in Washington.

Also conspicuously missing from the list is Roger Williams, who represents the area south of Fort Worth, including Burleson.

If your House representative has not signed on yet, you can contact them by finding your district and going to the representative’s website.

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