New Texas Laws Effective Today

If you live in Texas, you should be aware of these changes to Texas laws effective today, September 1st, 2011.

“Sexting” by a minor is now a crime.

If a minor is caught with sexually explicit messages or images on their cell phone, they could end up in juvi! You hear that, chi’ren? Not only is Uncle Trint gonna kick your butt for that garbage, you’re going to the clink!!

Nighttime speed limits are out.

State-wide, speed limits are now always the same. No more 70 daytime, 65 nighttime. No more getting tickets at dusk because you and the trooper disagree on what constitutes “night.” YAAAAY!

Castle Laws now apply to boats and employer owned parking lots!

Last year, Texas extended the Castle Law to vehicles. If you can legally own a gun, you can keep it concealed in your car. That now also applies to “watercraft.”

Problem last year was, employers (*cough* like mine) could still declare their parking lots as “gun free” and fire you for having a gun in your car, which effectively made it impossible for those employees to carry during their work week.

Starting today, that line of your employee handbook is illegal. You can not be punished for having a legally concealed weapon in your car, even parked in your employer’s parking lot. (There are limitations, so check the law to be sure.)

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