April 8, 2005 - 8:25 am
The process of creating a new world for our Ultima Online game server has passed a mile stone. The map is finished, at least finished enough to start building towns and decorating dungeons. I still have some tweaking to do here and there to fix glitches produced by the map compiler program, UOLandscaper.
Other than tweaking the map, I need to finish drawing the “paper map” image that will be used for treasure maps, etc., and drawing a smaller version for the web site that players will use to learn their way around the new world.
I’ve already updated the new, unreleased web site with descriptions of the new races and classes, and I’ve finished my first draft of the world history that will be used as a back story for events and quests that we put together to keep the players occupied.
Mean while, on the live server, we’ve started the process of ending the world, so to speak. We kicked off an event this week that is the first in the story arc that we came up with to set up our move to the new server. I won’t go into detail, as I don’t want to give away all the goods in case any of our players happen across my blog.
If any readers think they might be interested in playing UO, check out the current game site and feel free to ask me any questions you have about getting started.
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