Meme of Fours

Four jobs I’ve had

* Sacker at Safeway
* Dr. Vinyl
* Intern at Hewlett Packard
* Web Developer

Four movies I can watch over and over

* The Princess Bride (Hey! Shut up! It’s very witty.)
* The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
* Bubble Boy
* Braveheart

Four places I’ve lived

* Amarillo, TX
* Colorado Springs, CO
* La Grange, TX
* Arlington, TX

Four TV shows I love

* Monk!!
* Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
* MythBusters
* Anything besides “reality TV”. I’d rather gouge out my eyes with a melon baller.

Four places I’ve vacationed

* Aspen, CO
* Las Vegas, NV
* Jenny Lake, WY
* Weatherford, TX (Don’t knock it. They’ve got some very nice hot tubs!)

Four of my favorite dishes

* Meatlovers pizza (which I’m not supposed to eat)
* Spaghetti marinara with Italian sausage (which I’m not supposed to eat)
* Huge chimichanga smothered in chili con queso (which I’m not supposed to eat)
* Carrots (which is a blatant lie)

Four sites I visit daily

* PvP Online
* Dilbert (I use RSS to avoid pop-up ads.)
* (Sometimes R rated)
* Drudge

Four things I do at least once a day

* Tell Tammy I love her.
* Refill my 32 oz. mug with water (Now if I could just finish it every day.)
* Stretch (I’m going to touch my toes again before I die, even if it kills me.)
* Tuck Tammy into bed (with a requisite pat on the head)

Four things I do at least once a week

* Study my Bible (I try to read it every day, but don’t always succeed.)
* Go out for dinner with Tammy (It’s called “date night”. Even if it’s just dinner at Chili’s, I still recommend it.)
* Rock climb in my garage
* Eat at Taco Bell (You can be healthy all the time, right?)

Four places I would rather be right now

* Mountain biking in Colorado
* Rock climbing in Colorado
* On my couch, watching Monk and eating a big bowl of Blue Belle ice cream
* At work (Oh, wait. I AM at work. Jeez, I better do something more productive, huh?)

That is all.

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