November 9, 2004 - 6:45 pm
It’s been far too long (again) since I gave an update on “the fam”. So here goes.
Tammy and I are busy busy busy. We’re teaching Sunday school. She’s taking her 9th grade girls through “Girls of Grace” and I’m teaching my 10th grade guys comparative religion. She’s still working with the Master’s Players, 5th-7th grade kids doing sign language, music interp, and praise dance. We still co-lead The Bottom Line, the church’s high school drama group. With all these groups, we have lots of kids and thus spend a good deal of time building those relationships; birthday parties, football games, school plays, etc.
We’re involved in the adult drama group. I was “helping out” with the Christmas musical (meaning I re-wrote the script and was helping the director with casting and scheduling), but he dropped out and I was elected to replace him. So now, I’m directing that too (and we’re way behind schedule already).
Last month, we finally had had enough of our old climbing gym. The bratty kids, dangerous equipment, and non-existent management were just too much. We canceled our membership and moved to a new gym, Dyno-Rock. It’s cheaper, closer, and the management actually cares about their clientele. The facility is not quite as nice, but they have lots of good wall to climb and their equipment is top rate.
Tammy’s been healthy for several months now. (Yaay!) Her ankle still hurts a little when she stresses it, like climbing or dancing with the Master’s Players, but it’s holding up fine.
I, on the other hand, have been fighting off some bugs. I’ve had a phlegmy cough for weeks now. I was on the verge of going to a doctor when something else happened. I got a couple of spider bits on my left arm. They swelled and itched, but nothing to worry about. About three days later, I noticed rashy red lines going up and down my arm from the bite. That was scary. I went in to the ER, and the doc said the lymph node in my arm pit was swollen and that I had a nasty infection. I was glad it wasn’t venom related, but still concerned. I’ve been on penicillin for about a week (500 mg horse pills 4 times a day) and have about a week to go. The redness and pain are gone, so I think that did the trick. Now, I’m waiting to finish the prescription before I go in to check on the cough. Either the medication or the infection itself has left me tired and a little lethargic, but I’m learning to cope.
Tammy is working full time now (no more temp-to-hire) at Accessory Design Group. She is in charge of tracking huge orders of belts, gloves, purses, etc., from overseas to their warehouse, and from their warehouse to their customers, like Walmart, Target, and JCPennys. She’s been on long enough that her company health insurance kicks in this week. Hurray!! No more COBRA payments.
My job at GIS2 is going well. We have been through some project management changes, all for the better, and the company is looking ahead to some big growth. It looks like when the company makes the next big turn (getting a second software author) I will be in a team-lead position, which translates into lower/middle management. That scares me a little, but it is exciting too.
Plans are moving ahead for my big expedition to the Grand Teton next summer. We found a great backpack on sale at Galyan’s and bought it. Still keeping my eyes open for sales on climbing gear and some good hiking shoes.
And, last but not least, my 31st birthday is tomorrow. Tammy’s still trying to make me feel old, but it’s not working. Uncle Robert may be flying in for a one-day visit, which will be a real treat. He’s taking a course on web programming and has been calling me for pointers once in a while. I think he’s looking forward to getting a tour of the office and seeing how we do what we do.
We’ll, that’s about all I can think of, and I’m 15 minutes late. Got to get home. Tammy and I are going climbing tonight and she hates to be late.
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