December 15, 2004 - 4:27 pm
Last week… no… the last month has been insanely busy. We wrapped up the Christmas play on Sunday with great success and relief. Tammy and I were looking forward to a solid week with no commitments AND (insert cheesy trumpet fanfare) the release of LOTR ROTK. (If you’re not geek enough to know what those acronyms mean try mousing over them.)
Sunday night, our great friends, the Preeces, invited us to “scream out our stress” from the last few weeks at Six Flags. Okay, we’ll start our relaxing “us” time on Monday.
Monday, we realized we still had yet to go grocery shopping since we’d moved into the new apartment… three weeks ago. We had absolutely no food and were dangerously low on other essentials, like toilet paper. Okay, we’ll start our time of rest on Tuesday.
Monday night (more like Tuesday morning) one of our kids called us. She’s been experiencing huge amounts of stress too and she really needed some quality time. So we decided to take her out for dinner Tuesday night. We ended up at the mall until way past our bed times. Tammy had picked up the ROTK extended DVD at lunch, so we would snuggle up and watch it on Wednesday night. Half a week of rest is better than nothing, right?
This afternoon (Wednesday) another of our kids called. She’s the one we’ve all been stressing about because she is suffering through a deplorable situation at home. Long story short, she needs a ride to church and there’s no way we’re turning that down, even if her mom has dragged her off to some new boyfriend’s house an hour away.
Okay, “us” time is not in the cards for this week. We’re going climbing with the Preeces tomorrow and Friday God only knows what’s in store. Maybe we can sit down and watch the movie together on Saturday. Maybe.
I don’t mean to sound whiney. I am humbled and honored by the fact that God has trusted us with so many responsibilities. I relish the fact that we are doing His work.
But still…. I’d really like to see that movie.