June 20, 2010 - 9:34 pm
I know, I know. These are boring and not at all funny or whimsical. But this is all I got for now.
I’m typing this from my mom’s PC at the ranch in La Grange. I drove down after church this morning. That may seem confusing since my last post told of my driving down to Austin, but that was two weeks ago.
I had to leave the hospital while Mom was still almost totally incoherent (which was very very hard to do). I got back to my job for just long enough to get a big project done before we (Tammy and I) left on a long scheduled mission trip to Westcliffe, Colorado. Our original plan (pre-accident) was for Tammy to fly to Amarillo to spend some time with her parents. Then I would drive up in time for my parents’ big 50th anniversary party there in Amarillo on 6/12. Then we’d drive on up to CO with the rest of our mission group. After the mission, we’d stay in CO for several more days to see our old friends and enjoy the state we miss so much. Then back to work on Thursday, 6/24.
Naturally, all that got scrubbed. The anniversary party is postponed indefinitely. Doing what I can to help out Mom and Dad takes priority over a CO vacation. And, having already scheduled the time off from work makes this a bit easier.
In case you have not been following Mom’s progress on her blog (sandraladd.wordpress.com), she is on the road to recovery. It will be a very very long road, but at least she’s on it. She’s awake, coherent, and fairly active. She should be done with surgery (unless they decide she needs a skin graft for a large open wound on her ankle). She is out of the trauma hospital and on to a rehab facility in Round Rock (north of Austin) where she will be learning the tricks to living in a wheel chair, which she will face for the next 6 months while her hip and foot heal. Everything looks optimistic, in terms of a return to normalcy. It’s just that that return is a long way off (a year?) and right now she is uncomfortable in many ways that we bipeds would never think of. (ex. How do you go to the bathroom when you can’t get out of bed?)
I’m tired and sunburned from the mission trip (which went really well). Tammy stayed in DFW because she seems to have a cold or something and we can’t risk Mom catching anything. I was told to come to the ranch (rather than the rehab hospital) for tonight. So, I’m sitting here in the all-too-quiet house feeling rather lost and unhelpful, but hopefully that will change by morning. Once I have something that sounds less pathetic and self-centered, I will cross-post it here and on Mom’s blog.
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.