
Do you know what’s in the Big Government Bail-Out? Even the people who wrote it don’t know whats in it. They can’t even agree on exactly how much of your money the bill will burn up. I’m confident that even if I did have five days to review the bill, I couldn’t get it all read that fast. The bill can’t be put online because A) It’s over a thousand pages and B) it’s riddled with hand written amendments. (But what’s $50 million dollars more or less?)

Your Tax Dollars…

…at work and looking for more company. Today is signing day for the Big Government Bail-Out (a.k.a. Broco Bomber’s self-stimulating bill). In case you thought this bill was some carefully thought out and well constructed legislation, here’s the truth.

P.S. I did my taxes last night. It was a very good year for us, which means a very bad April 15th. We always owe, but this is the most Tammy and I have ever had to pay. $3500. Yeah, ouch.

The Great Obamagasm: Day 24

The Bronco Bomber has been in office 24 days. Is there any question as to how the media and lefty wackos feel about this guy?

Please note my side-by-side of Messiah #1 and messiah #2. I’ve been getting more serious about my photography lately, I have can tell you that no professional photographer worth his salt takes a picture like that unless he means to. This was intentional. We laugh. We joke. We mock their deification of the Bomber. But the only reason it’s so funny, is because it’s true.

Now, for the real kicker. The linked video here is what pushed me to write this post. Check out the ex-Beatles groupies who now ovulate at the mere sight of the Bomber. I’m serious. It’s gross. Watch the video and see for yourself.

Aside from the the lady crying out, “I love you, Bronco!” (paraphrased), just listen to the squeals when he leans over to kiss the lady asking for a free house. Am I crazy or is that the squeal of a dozen eggs simultaneously sprouting from a dozen ovaries? Ick.

And this after 24 days. Imagine what the remaining of the 1,437 days of his presidency will bring!  700 wives and 300 concubines?!

Democracy Means You Should Speak Up

I just sent the following to both of my U.S. Senators, Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn. I strongly recommend you do the same before it’s too late. It’s likely Bronco Bomber’s spending bill will go to a vote in the next couple of days.

As usual, I want to thank you for the work you do representing our conservative values in Washington.

I have grave concerns about President Obama’s spending package. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that Rooseveltian government spending will not work to buoy the economy.

But far beyond the bad economics, I’m concerned about the billions of dollars that left wing Liberals are tucking into this bill that will undermine conservative values on multiple fronts.

It is clear to the American people that this “stimulus” bill is little more than a pay back to all of the ultra-liberal organizations that supported democrats in the last election.

Millions of dollars will go to Planned Parenthood to kill more babies, ACORN to sponsor more racism and hatred in inner city minorities. Even the “green” spending, from what I hear, is rife with anti-religious conditions.

I, along with many Texans, were sorely disappointed when both of our senators voted for the banking bailout after some sweeteners were added. Please don’t disappoint us again. Make it clear that your constituents will not stand for this bill. I have no confidence that “compromise” or “bipartisanship” can fix all that’s wrong with this bill. It must be rejected and a clean start made.

Thank you for your time.

Mona Lisa Catches Planned Murderhood Again

Your tax dollars at work, subverting the law, this time in Arizona.

A woman passes herself off as a pregnant 15-year-old. Her and her “young friend” tell the PP counselor that her “boyfriend” is 27. The counselor then tells her to keep that information secret when she goes before a judge to get a “judicial bypass”, which, by Arizona law, allows a minor to get an abortion without her parents finding out.

Arizona law requires PP to report this statutory rape to the police. The fictitous 27-year-old is guilty of felony rape. But PP would rather get that baby killed then report the abuse of a 15-year-old girl.

Cuz, you know, they care so much.

Has Pelosi Gone Too Far?

It’s no secret how I feel about Liberal whack-job Nancy Pelosi and her demagoguery that ruined the 110th Congress. I firmly believe that she is completely delusional and, if left unchecked, will drive the 111th Congress (and quit possibly the whole country) into the ground for the sake of her pipe-dream, ultra-liberal, socialist agenda.

That’s no surprise coming from me, a right-wing nut myself. But there is news leaking that even the democrats in the House have had enough of Pelosi and her knack for rewriting the rules in her favor. Could there be a mutiny afoot?

Check it out over at Hot Air.

Just Curious Cont.

Continuing my thoughts from the other day, the more rocks one turns over in D.C. the more democrats one can find trying to hide their money under them.

I did a late update that some of you may have missed, linking to a post that links to several more stories of high-powered Liberals evading the taxes they so desperately want you and I to pay more of.

Something to consider on this topic: If you or I don’t pay our taxes, we generally go to jail, or end up paying crippling fines and interest rates. I myself had a tax debt when I was young and in order to pay off the debt over time, the IRS generously gave me a 25% interest rate. My first several payments were interest only.

But for tax and spend politicians, or even an unelected Liberal talking heads, all we ever hear are excuses followed by complete forgiveness. “It was an honest mistake.” Hands washed, books balanced, now move on.

Don’t believe me? Please check out this article outlining oodles of such cases.

Oh, by the way, Tom Daschle bowed out this afternoon, along with yet another tax dodging Bronco Bomber appointee.

Bronco’s “new era of responsibility” is crumbling faster than the roads and bridges of America (if you buy into his “failing infrastructure” garbage).

Just Curious

Are there any high-powered democrats who do pay their taxes? Cuz, you know, they sure are excited about make sure we pay even more. You’d kinda think they’d be willing to pay their own.

Running theory is that Caroline Kennedy dropped out of NY Senate race because of unpaid taxes.

Tom Daschle, Health and Human Services secretary pick, “deeply embarrassed” about $128,000 in “errors” on his taxes.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner failed to pay $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes. (But he still got the job of… yes… enforcing tax collection on the rest of us! Wha?!)

And the funny thing is how little traction these stories got in the MSM. I mean, they keep saying how “fair and balanced” they are, right? It’s those wackos over on Fox News who are partisan. Right? Mm hmm.

[Edit: This guy has an even longer list of names and links.]

Texas, Our Texas

I really do love Texas. (If only we had the Rocky Mountains. *sigh*) has posted a new chart that shows that Texas was the only state to have a significant increase in jobs in 2008. During a dismal economic year, Texas added about 150,000 jobs (1.5%) to it’s job force, while California lost the same percentage, but by numbers, twice as many jobs.

Hmm. Let’s think about this for a minute.

Texas: Business friendly tax policy, no income tax (personal or corporate), carefully controlled spending. Texas: Economic success even in bad economic times.

California: Prohibitive corporate taxes, high income taxes, insane spending, budget deficits year after year. California: Economic failure.

Which plan do you think works? Which plan do you think the Obama administration is plunging into? Yeah. The wrong one.

A Wiser Man

A wise man learns from his mistakes. A wiser man learns from the mistakes of others.

Today, work-from-home-Friday, I’m posting someone else’s video. And it’s a real humdinger. Everyone who ever intends to vote in an American election should see this.

The Brits, quite famously, lost their right to own handguns about a decade ago. Since then, some estimates say gun crime has increased by as much as 40% (but, of course, this number is heavily disputed). Here on our side of the pond, we have just elected (and by proxy, appointed) the most vehemently anti-gun administration EVAR. (Pres. Obama, Att. Gen. Holder, Chf. of Stf. Emanuel, etc.)

Take it from the Brits. Be very careful what freedoms you allow your government to take away.

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