Class of 2017

Hey Inter-Tubes!! Can you believe old Trint is still alive?! (Yeah, me neither.)

It’s that time of year again and I haven’t done this in a while, so let’s dive right in and see just how old we all really feel.

This week a brand new crop of high school seniors are planning proms and applying for next year’s financial aide. Let’s see what else is true about them.

This year’s high school seniors were born in 1999, the same year that these movies were released:

Fight Club
American Pie
The Matrix (Yes, the first one!)
Star Wars: Phantom Menace (Yes, the one that most of us choose to pretend doesn’t exist.)

The following TV shows were cancelled before these kids were born:

Beverly Hills 90210 (1999)
The Animaniacs (1998)
Bill Nye the Science Guy (1998)
Seinfeld (1998)

These kids have never…

Used a VCR to record TV. (The TiVo DVR was released in 1999.)
Had to use a floppy disk, even the non-floppy 3.5″. (USB Drives became available in 2000.)
Had to carry around CDs to listen to music. (The iPod debuted in 2001.)
Needed to plug in to something to get internet. (WiFi became a thing when they were 4 years old, in 2003.)

For their entire lives…

Texting from a cell phone has been possible. (1995)
Movies have been available on DVD. (1995)
Michael Jordan has been a “former” NBA player. (1999… the second time.)
John Elway has been a Super Bowl MVP (1999)
Viagra has been making uncomfortable commercials. (1998)

If you don’t feel old after reading all that… get off my lawn and turn that racket down!! Ya dern kids.

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