November 23, 2010 - 12:13 pm
I like Sarah Palin. I think she’s a true conservative. I think she’s smart. I think she’s a great mom. But I don’ think she’s presidential. I don’t think she’s electable. I don’t think she should run.
Any conservative in the public eye, politician or otherwise, must accept Lamestream Media venom and SNL mockery. Notice I didn’t say “expect.” By “accept” I mean be able to ignore it, laugh it off, and get on with business. Sarah Palin has proven she can’t do that.
Any conservative running for public office needs have a solid resume. Conservatives, by definition, don’t care about “flair.” We care about policy. We care about getting things done. Former Governor Palin had a real chance to get some things done in Alaska, to beef up her resume. And she quit. Since then, she’s written a couple of books and is now … *sigh* … a reality TV “star.”
Before I can cast my vote for President of the United States of America, I have to know the candidate is serious. Before I can vote to put someone in charge of the big red button, I need to know they can handle the responsibility. The Leader of the Free World needs to have the nerve to sit across a table from Vladimir Putin and tell him to stuff is nuke treaty, to have the chops ignore Kim Jong Il and Ahmadinejad when they are squealing for attention, and the cojones to go nose to nose with Hippy Pelosi and put her in her place.
I like Sarah Palin, but I see no evidence she can do any of those things.
Dear Sarah Palin,
America loves you. I think your great. Please please please please DON’T RUN FOR PRESIDENT!!
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