October 29, 2013 - 8:26 am
It’s that time of year already. Can you believe it? In just a few days, Halloween (a.k.a. Candy Socialism Day) will have passed and no force of nature will be able to stop Tammy from singing Christmas songs. (Even though I plead with her to at least wait until after my birthday on the 10th.)
Tammy and I have already been forced into weekly calendar merge meetings. As it stands we don’t have a totally free weekend until December. And we all know that by then, those weekends will be full too.
This feeling of busyness, TODO lists, and “what am I forgetting,” brings us this week’s white board quip:
My life is about as organized as the $5 DVD bin at Walmart.
But, when I force myself to take a minute, breath, and evaluate; I have to admit, my life is awesome. I have a wife who is simply amazing. I’m healthy. (OK, fat… but working on it, so shut up.) I have a church family that really is that: family. I have a job I love that doesn’t bleed over into personal time. I live in the best state in the best country in the world (still, despite some powerful efforts to the contrary).
And then, I realize how much I have to get done, so stop day dreaming (or blogging) and get back to work!!
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