Let me be the first to wish you all a satisfactory non-denominational, capitalist, winter-time, gift-giving season.
Once again, there is a lot of hubbub over whether or not retailers use “Christmas” in their marketing. Last year the pendulum seemed to hit the far left and was pushed back to the right. “Holiday Trees”? Seriously, that’s just dumb. But a few Christian organizations continue to push this year. Is it really necessary?
You guys know that I’m pretty far out on the “Religious Right” end of spectrum, but I like to think that I can still use my head and be reasonable. I’m on the mailing list of the American Family Association. They’re about as for right as you can get and sometimes, they go farther than I am willing to follow. Today the AFA invited me to vote in a poll, “Would you be willing to boycott stores which refuse to allow the word “Christmas” to be displayed?” I voted “No.”
I am willing to boycott companies, but there has to be a very solid reason and I need to see evidence from more than one source. I prefer to avoid Wal-Mart because I believe that their business practices are damaging to the economy and empowering China. I will not buy any Ford products because Ford is currently spending millions to further the homosexual agenda. (Yes, I own a Ford that I bought used, ten years ago. But Ford makes no money off of me. I buy after-market parts and never go to a Ford mechanic.)
But what about “Holiday” retailers? Well, honestly, this is the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are all part of the holiday shopping season. Yes, most of our money goes toward Christmas gifts, but what about Hanukah (or Hanukkah, or Chanukah, or Ckhanukhkhahh or how ever you spell it.) It’s a valid, gift-giving, religious holiday. What about Ramadan? What about the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe? What about Eat A Red Apple Day or Ice Cream and Violins Day or National Chocolate Covered Anything Day? (Seriously.)
I’m not trying to belittle Christmas. But if a corporation does not market itself as a Christian organization, then why would you expect it to single out a Christian holiday?
Some would say that these companies make a fortune off of Christmas gift sales. True. And if you don’t like that, then quit spending so much on Christmas gifts! Tell your kids they’re not getting Molest-Me Elmo or the Nintendo PeePee for Christmas. Instead they’re going to spend Christmas serving food at a homeless shelter or playing dominos at a nursing home. That’ll show those anti-Christmas, capitalist jerks.
As for me, I love Christmas and I enjoy being a capitalist. But I’m still not buying a Nintendo PeePee.
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