January 21, 2010 - 1:31 pm
Of course, by “worms” I mean “(big “L”) Liberal democrats in the White House and Congress” and by “turned” I mean “developed complete amnesia over the last 48 hours and expect all the world to see them as rosy cheeked, bi-partisan, can’t-we-all-just-get-along centrists, forgetting the last 12 months of extreme, leftist, socialist, bare-knuckled bullying.”
After months and months of wrangling, strong-arming, and flat out bribing members of their own party to vote in favor of what I will hear-to-after refer to as OPRAH (Obama-Pelosi-Reid Abomination of Healthcare), the tone has suddenly and dramatically changed.
Exhibit A:
From Monday, January 18th…
House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, told reporters in California Monday that the legislation would move forward not matter what.
“Let’s remove all doubt,” Ms. Pelosi said. “We will have health care one way or another. … Certainly the dynamic will change depending on what happens in Massachusetts,” Ms. Pelosi said. “Just the question of how we would proceed. But it doesn’t mean we won’t have a health care bill.”
From Wednesday, January 20th…
Abandoning the health care overhaul is not an option, a senior White House official said. Questioned about the fate of health care legislation, David Axelrod said, “It’s not an option simply to walk away from a problem that’s only going to get worse.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to acknowledge [compromise or abandonment] as a possibility. “Massachusetts has health care. … The rest of the country would like to have that too,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said. “So we don’t say a state that already has health care should determine whether the rest of the country should. We will get the job done. I’m very confident. I’ve always been confident,” she added.
And now, Exhibit B:
From today, Thursday, January 21st…
“There are certain things the members simply cannot support,” Pelosi said. She cited the tax on so-called “Cadillac” insurance plans, and the special perks for Nebraska as major grievances. “I don’t think it’s possible to pass the Senate bill in the House,” Pelosi said. “I don’t see the votes for it at this time.”
George Stephanopoulos’ Exclusive Interview with President Obama, release this morning (abridged)…
Obama: I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those elements of the package that people agree on. [ed. “Those elements” do not exist.]
Stephanopoulos: So start again with a smaller core package?
Obama: Well, look, I’m not going to get into the legislative strategy. [ed. This is an important non-denial. He’s washing his hands, yet again, of the dirty work.]
The Scott Brown election has shifted the Democratic machine into full reverse. Check out this quote from staunch Liberal whacko John Kerry welcoming his new colleague to the Hill.
“You have to work across the aisle here to make things happen,” said Kerry. “There have got to be some basic things here that we can all agree on.”
For the last 50 years or so, the only thing any Massachusetts senator has ever done “across the aisle” is throw rocks and daggers.
Remember this, children. Don’t forget. Burn it into your memory. When Liberals got full control of the White House and both houses of Congress, that ran, nay, sprinted as far left as fast as they could. So far, in fact, that many of their own ranks were scared out of voting with them because they knew that their constituents would run them out of town an a rail come election day.
There was no bipartisanship. There was no transparency. There was no compromise. It was balls-to-the-wall socialism and God have mercy on any soul that dared stand in their way. These people have a one track mind and that track is to collect as much power as possible as quickly as possible. You will see over the next 10 months, and, if we’re lucky, the next decade these same people wringing their hands and wailing over how we all must learn to work together and compromise and get along.
IT… IS… AN… ACT! It’s a mask. The man has gone back behind the curtain and fully expects us to believe in Oz again. DON’T FOLLOW ALONG!! Get these people out of our government as fast as you can.
We must remember this day each and every time we step up to an election booth and never let this happen again.
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