It’d be funny if it weren’t so true.

Once in a while, Dilbert hits a little too close to home. I refer to such situations as “It’d be funny if it weren’t so true.” WBQotW #38 is just such a quip.

Good ol’ Wally… He’s a combination of two archtypes, the anti-social engineer and the guy who puts a lot of effort into not doing any work. Now, my biggest personal weakness is that I’m not as hard a worker as I’d like to be. Okay, I’m lazy. I said it. I hope you’re happy. I don’t like to admit it because it’s not something I’m proud of. Once in a while, good ol’ Wally says something that makes me laugh for a second. Then I stop when I realize that I do that too. Then, it’s not so funny.

I used to read, but it’s faster to make stuff up.

*sigh* It’s true.

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