Jesus was “the original Democrat”, despite Al Gore’s claim to the title.

A conference of “Religion Experts” in Austin, Texas… *Snicker*

Okay, wait. Sorry. I swear I can say this with a straight face if I concentrate…

A conference of “Religion Experts” in Austin, Texas, have come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the “the carpenter from Galilee was the original Democrat.” *Chuckle*

Okay, sorry. There’s just no way I can say this without laughing. How unprofessional of me. Please forgive my lack of respect for… “Religion Experts” in Austin, Texas…

*Bursts into convulsive laughter*

“Keep Austin Weird!!”

*Doubles over laughing with tears now streaming*

I can’t… I can’t… Oh, it’s too funny.

Complete Article Here.

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