Liberal Democratic Hypocrisy

This should come as no surprise to anyone level headed enough to see the modern democratic party for what it is. Still, the hypocrisy of the left has reached new lows in recent weeks.

Maryland’s first black lieutenant governor, Michael Steele, has fallen under increasingly ugly attacks from the black democrats in his state. Steele is running for the US Senate and he represents an increasing trend in conservative Republican minorities. This trend is stealing minority votes from the liberal Democratic party, something Democrats can ill afford. Desperate times… so they say.

Lt. Gov. Steele has been pelted with Oreo cookies (implying that he is “white on the inside”). He has been caricatured as black singing minstrel on liberal web sites, and even faced gross racial slurs that, if uttered by a WASP like me, would result in riots in the streets.

But, what-ho? Do you mean it was not some calloused white hate-monger hurling these opprobrious epithets? Nope. It was members of his own race such as former NAACP president Kweisi Mfume. In justifying his bigotry, Mr. Mfume said, “There is a difference between pointing out the obvious and calling someone names.” By that argument I could say that Kweisi Mfume, by virtue of his African name, is obviously a nigger. But I wouldn’t say something like that because I’m better than that. (Apparently, Mr. Mfume is not.)

According to Maryland State Senator Lisa Glidden, also a… person of African descent, “Party trumps race.” Frankly that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a very long time. (Well, no, it’s not. Keep reading. It gets worse.)

Salima Siler Marriott, a black Baltimore Democrat, said, “Because he is a conservative, he is different than most public blacks, and he is different than most people in our community. His politics are not in the best interest of the masses of black people.”

So that must been that Ted Kennedy, the whitest cracker in the Democratic party, knows more about what blacks need than the quite black Mr. Steele. And according to Mr. Kennedy and his Democratic party, blacks need more handouts from the government to make sure they don’t get a real education, leading to a real job, leading to real housing and real opportunity for advancement. Forcing blacks to rely on federal welfare keeps them in federal slave camps… oops! I mean federal housing projects… where they can continue to attend the worst schools in the nation and be taught by the most underpaid and bitter teachers the important lessons in life, which are, of course, vote Democrat and use condoms. Why just think how the world would fall apart if those kids found out the truth and became Republicans!!

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