March 31, 2009 - 5:36 pm
There’s a meme going around again that’s as old as the iPod. (Jeez, if the iPod is actually old, then I’m dead and a half!) You put your iPod on shuffle and then post the first line of the first 30 songs. People then try to guess the song and artist. It’s surprisingly revealing. What you listen to says a lot about who you are.
I don’t have an iPod (Tammy does), but I do use to iTunes. I never listen to iTunes on full shuffle. I have several play lists that are very specific for what I need: “Relaxing Jazz”, “Coding Classical”, “Coding Rock”, “Fun Rock”, and of course, “U2”, plus a bunch of weird music I don’t listen to that often. So it will be interesting see what comes of this.
Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line or stanza from the first 30 songs that play (unless it reveals the song title), no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and song title correctly in the comments.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is cheating.
Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!
(I’ll have to skip a of instrumentals and audio books. But I’ll make notes of what I skipped.)
(Skipped Tales that Really Matter – LotR: Two Towers soundtrack)
1. Mom and dad, I am fine, how are you?
(Skipped Pilgrim’s Progress, book 1, chapter 7)
2. I can’t stop thinking about it, I don’t like living without it.
(Skipped Love Theme – Batman soundtrack)
3. Pack up all my cares and woe. Feeling low. Here I go.
4. Where I came from there were no hills at all.
5. Seven o’clock in the evening, watching something stupid on TV.
6. We met these sisters, _______’s their last name. (Word removed for rule #2 above.)
(Skipped Treasure Island, chapter 19)
7. There seems to be something going on inside of you.
(Skipped Edoras – LotR: Two Towers soundtrack)
8. Receive Him! (Sorry, this breaks rule #2 above.)
(Skipped Einstein (biography), chapter 7)
9. Request the honor of your presence, the tear gas has blown away.
10. If you’ve been there, put your hands in the air and let somebody know that the Most High cares. (Used second line for rule #2 above.)
(Skipped The Battle of Stirling – Braveheart soundtrack)
11. When I was young, the smallest trick of light would catch my eye.
(Skipped A Family Affair – PotC: Dead Man’s Chest soundtrack)
(Skipped Sent for You Yesterday, Count Basie and His Orchestra)
(Skipped Alice in Wonderland, chapter 12)
12. I have climbed the highest mountains, I have run through the fields.
(Skipped Achilles Footwear, Eddie Izzard – Glorious)
(Skipped Huckleberry Finn, chapter 5)
13. “There must be some way outta here,” said the joker to the thief.
14. I’ve had questions without answers. I’ve known sorrow. I’ve known pain.
(Skipped First Confrontation – Batman soundtrack)
15. Since you’ve been gone, since you’ve been unglued, it’s hard to figure out your next move.
16. Come on, babe, why don’t we paint the town?
17. Lord my God, in the morning show me how I can serve you today.
18. In the quickness of our haste it seems we forget how to live.
19. Let me introduce you somebody that I know.
(The Great River – LotR: Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack)
20. I wear a disguise. I’m just your average Jane.
21. You left me sad and lonely. Why did you leave me lonely?
22. And now the purple dusk of twilight time steals across the meadows of my heart.
23. I was born the child of grace. Nothing else about the place.
24. The flowers they cover your feet. All the colors of you and they shine over all I see.
(Skipped Caravan, Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra)
25. Make me. Take me. Break me.
26. You see in the past I had a dream, a fantasy.
27. Tears have fallen. Water beads. Wipe the floor with my regrets.
(Skipped Sing Sing Sing, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra)
(Skipped Freedom Theme, Braveheart soundtrack)
28. I’d rather take a shot in the chest than take a shot in the back.
29. I had a song about clouds and rainbows. I hum a tune that sings like a dove.
(Skipped American Patrol, Glenn Miller Orchestra)
30. Hold me close and hold me fast. The magic spell you cast.
Next week sometime, I’ll post all the answers. There’s no way you guys are going to guess all these.
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