August 11, 2009 - 8:53 am
What an amazing week! Last Monday we closed on our first house. (Thank you, taxpayers, for your $8000 donation to our savings account.) While the house is beautiful and in relatively good shape, it was not “move in ready.” Monday through Friday nights I was there until midnight or later cleaning and doing minor repairs. I went to Lowes at least once a day.
Friday was the big day for me. Work From Home Friday was spent at the house. Internet set up and cable installed (with all new cat-5 wiring) courtesy of AT&T U-Verse. I was able to check work email by lunch time. Blackmon Mooring was on hand to clean the air ducts and carpets. (The previous owners were clean people, but their black lab left persistent black hairs everywhere.) And Lowes delivered our new, french-door, black refrigerator.
Saturday was the big move. With great help from good friends, we got everything out of the apartment by about 4PM. Then Tammy and I spent the evening unpacking. We got the master bedroom, master bath, and kitchen operational before we crashed into bed. It was our first night in the new place, which is always awkward, but we were so tired, we slept through all the new noises.
Sunday, after church, we did a marathon session in the apartment, cleaning every nook and cranny, then touching up the paint. By 9PM Sunday night, we were ready to never see that apartment again.
There’s still so much to do, but at least we are living in our new home!!
I have to give “props” to all the friends who pitched in. Without you guys, we could not have done this. Brenda and Brittany Olson and Kiersten Harkins helped us clean the new house. Vaughn Hardman mowed our yard. Caleb Barlow, Russ and Carole Peddy, and their boys Jordan and Aaron helped us move.
P.S. The garage is still a mess. Last night, while trying to organize it, I pulled a muscle in my lower back. I’m still trying to figure out how to stretch it and what sitting position hurts the least. If you see me walking funny or grimacing for no aparent reason, you’ll know why.
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