October 26, 2004 - 9:22 am
There was a time, decades ago, that the NAACP was a civil rights organization devoted to defending the life and liberty of Americans of color. Sadly that time has long past and the NAACP is no longer working for the Advancement of Colored People. Instead, it has become the most bigoted and hate driven organization in the DNC’s arsenal.
Case in point:
Georgianne Pitts, “working on behalf of the NAACP National Voter Fund”, has admitted to paying a drug addict to file over 100 false voter registrations. The payment? Crack cocaine.
Chad Station was arrested for filing 124 voter registrations in Toledo, Ohio, using many names, including Mary Poppins, and Janet Jackson. He told police he was filing the false voter cards in return for drugs.
When police searched Ms. Pitts residence they found more drugs and more registration forms.
How could the NAACP condone giving out drugs? Easy. Chad Pitts is white. They’s just bringin’ down da man! Das all, sho’ nuf.
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