Oh, you are SO busted!

I can’t even tell you how pumped I am to learn that Texas has a “report a litterer” web form. I’m going to be on this thing every other day!!

Rarely does a commute go by that I don’t see someone flick a cigarette butt out of their car. It infuriates me. I ride my bike to work from time to time and when you have ride down the side of the road, even for just a few miles, you really get an idea just how much litter is generated by those disgusting butts. There are thousands of them. When a good gully washer comes along, all those butts get washed into our lakes and rivers. I’m getting all worked up just thinking about it.

You best not be flinging your butt when I’m on patrol bucko! I guarantee you’ll be getting a nasty-gram from the state on my behalf.

Cleanly stolen from Dave.

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