April 23, 2008 - 4:06 pm
Since I have so vocally endorsed Ben Stein’s documentary on the subject, and for reasons of full disclosure, I think it’s important that I spend a few minutes discussing Intelligent Design and my personal beliefs.
I) I am a “fundamentalist” Christian.
That is to say, I believe in a strict interpretation of the Christian Bible. I put my eternal faith in, and strive to live according the will of, the God of the ancient Israelites and in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This also means that I believe in the literal, Biblical account of creation in six days. In other words, I am a “strict creationist.”
II) I believe in the intelligent design of the Universe, but not in Intelligent Design.
Yes, I believe that God created the Universe. However, this is not the same thing as what is commonly referred to as Intelligent Design (or ID). Because I am a strict creationist, when it comes to picking nits, I must disagree with many IDers (several of whom I have met and debated in person) who teach what I call Christian evolution. Christan evolution differs from Darwinian evolution only by the idea that, instead of random mutation, God was the origin of life and “directed” the evolution of all species from a common ancestor.
III) I do not believe that anyone should be forced to conform to my beliefs.
Theocracies are very dangerous and ultimately they fail to produce real believers. If you force someone to live according to your religion, that someone is very unlikely to accept that religion at a heart and soul level, especially a “free will” religion like Christianity.
IV) I do not believe that my view of creation is “scientific” in the strictest sense.
I freely admit that my “strict Genesis” belief is not scientific. That is to say it can not be observed, tested, or reproduced. It is a faith-based stance. That does not mean it is based solely emotions or feelings. I must examine my faith in light of the available evidence. If I find evidence that contradicts my faith, it is my responsibility to question my faith and examine the validity of the evidence. As yet, I have not found any evidence that has caused me to abandon my faith.
V) When it comes to academics, I think a healthy dose of agnosticism is in order.
I am a strict creationist and have to admit this requires faith. If you are an Christian evolutionist, your must admit it requires faith. If you are a Darwinist, you need to admit that it requires faith. (No one can observe, test or reproduce macro evolution any more than I can creation. Does this mean that macro evolution is not “scientific”? Hmm.) Thus, I think we need to teach students that there are many different theories, none of which can be proven. Then we explain the evidence and let them form their own opinions. Right now that is not happening. And that is why I think everyone should go see Expelled.
The movie is not about proving or disproving any particular theory. It is about the fact that, currently, our scientific and academic cultures have become so entrenched in Darwinism (and the resultant antitheism) it has created “Darwin Fundamentalist,” people so devoted to their faith that any one who questions Darwin is professionally crucified. If you think this sounds far fetched or over stated, you really need to see the movie.
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