One Kilo-View

When I first saw the latest viral video, the baby conversation, I immediately thought, “It would be really entertaining if someone came up with humorous subtitles. That would really slay the viewers with laughteritude.”

Then, I saw the same video on *every* morning news program and *several* evening news programs. When I checked back on YouTube, it had over 4 million views! Then I thought, “Wow. If *I* did that clever subtitle video response, *I* might have a semi-viral video.”

Filled with mad dreams of psuedo-fame, I set myself to produce said chuckleriffic response. After about an hour, I posted the result and sat back to wait for the spotlight of celebrity… which didn’t really happen. Bummer.

But, I can say that Twin baby boys (What were they saying?) is now my first video to break 1000 views! Cool! I have a kilo-view!

P.S. See how clever I am there? Putting a link to the video right there in my post about wishing the video had more views. Yep. I got mad interweb skilz.

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