Rock and a Hard Place

My distaste for Wal-Mart is well documented. I need not go into detail. (If you haven’t read about it, use the search form on the right to find the posts.)

But even more powerful is my distaste for (nay, my steadfast resistance to) the campaign by a powerful, vocal minority in this country to establish, embrace, and glorify a culture of sexual immorality in the United States.

If you don’t go to Wal-Mart for your Frisbees and hair dryers, where do you go? Usually, Target is the next option. But Target has made some decisions that bug me too. They made a big media splash a couple years ago when they kicked out the Salvation Army bell ringers. And just recently I’ve learned that Target offers homosexual “couples” the same benefits as married spouses.

So now, I’m caught between two evils. Do I take my money to Wal-Mart and finance the communist, atheist, super-power of China or do I shop at Target and line the pockets of a corporation that embraces a destructive sub-culture against which I have serious moral objections?

Fortunately the decision has been made for me.

The Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay lobby in the U.S., has called for a boycott of Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart does not offer “domestic partner benefits”. (That’s a very politically correct way to say that Wal-Mart refuses to pay for Chuck’s doctor bills just because he’s shacked up with their employee Larry.) The HRC is calling on all homosexuals and their friends to take their money to Target instead, because of Target’s “gay friendly” employee benefits.

Now, it seems pretty obvious to me that Wal-Mart would make this decision. Never mind the fact that it’s bad logic: If we give benefits to a shacked up Chuck and Larry, what’s stopping a shacked up (and unmarried) Chuck and Mary from getting the same benefits?! Beyond that, Wal-Mart has never been the champion of workers rights anyway. Why should this be any different.

Regardless, the HRC has thrown down a gauntlet of sorts. They have challenged the “religious right” to put up or shut up. If Target’s sales go up noticeably and Wal-Mart’s correspondingly go down, they will claim victory for their cause undoubtedly causing big waves in the media. On the other hand, if the numbers are reversed, or, for that matter, if there is no impact at all, there will be no victory and no media frenzy. Yes, that’s right. Even if Target’s number go down, there will be no media coverage, I assure you.

And so, when I am forced to choose between the turn-coat communist and the openly pro-gay, I must make a moral choice rather than a political one.

This issue is very important to me because I work with youth and I have seen first hand what the culture of tolerance has done to our kids. I can not stand idly by while our society degrades to the point where homosexual activity in the bathrooms and locker rooms of our middle schools is overlooked and accepted. (Yes, middle schools. I’m talking about 13 year olds. And yes, it’s really happening.)

So who’s with me? <MyBestRedNeckAccent>Let’s all go down to the Wal-Mart</MyBestRedNeckAccent>.

Read the USA Today article about the boycott.
Read the AFA alert for more info that was not included in the article above.

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