April 20, 2009 - 12:16 pm
I told you about Indiana (twice). I told you about Arizona. Now, the Mona Lisa Project has moved on to Tennessee. And <sarcasm>astoundingly</sarcasm>, yet another Planned Murderhood counselor was caught on camera telling a girl (actually and adult posing as a 14-year-old pregnant from her 31-year-old boyfriend) to lie to a judge and to her parents in order to obtain an abortion. Sex between a 14-year-old and an adult is a crime in Tennessee. It is also a crime for an adult who hears about it not to go immediately to the police.
How long will it take for authorities to realize this is a pattern? That Planned Murderhood will do anything and everything, including breaking the law and lying to little girls to get more abortions notched on their belt?
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