(Warning: Web-geek content. Non-technical personnel need not bother reading this post.)
I read about a new CSS framework (still in beta) that’s supposed to help you standardize your site and make CSS management easier. That’s great. But heres what makes it blog worthy.
“SenCSs stands for Sensible Standards CSS Framework, but if you want, you can pronounce it ‘sense’, which makes it sound pretty cool.”
SenCSs stands for … wait, what? S.S.C.S.S.F. and you came up with SenCSs??! See. This is why engineer types (like me) have such a hard time taking art types seriously.
Dude! You can’t go just making up non-acronyms like that just because it “sounds pretty cool.” Come on!!
“Hi. My name is Kevin, spelled G-I-W-7-@-Y-[clicking noise].”
“Nice to meet you Kevin. You must be an art major. Here’s your paper hat. Don’t touch the hot fry grease, mkay?”
Seriously though, check out SenCSs and see if it makes SENSE for your site.