Super Super Bowl

What a great game. I was rooting for the Cards. Oh well. The game was awesome anyway.

I saw almost all the commercials, but only heard about half of them because we put on a youth party for the game and the din was overpowering. It was a great party, just loud. It was the first year we got a TV signal in The Loft (our youth room with the concrete floor and exposed metal roofing) where we could use the stage sound system and big screen projectors.

The party seemed to be a great success. We did Superbowl bingo, a football squares grid, and an eating contest. I made chili for the first time in years. The mild batch was really tasty and several of the kids loved the extra hot batch. They’re stomach linings are young and strong. They should enjoy them while they have them.

The commercials this year where not the best ever, but they were pretty good. (I think last year was better.)

Here are a few of my favs (roughly in reverse order of how much I liked them).

Coke’s insect heist – Cute award

Pepsi Max’s “I’m good.”

Hulu’s mush brain

Monster’s moose mount

Bridgestone’s potato heads

Bridgestone’s hip rover

Career Buildeter “It’s probably time.” – Probably my favorite

Still, I’m not sure any of them beat last year’s talking stain. I still chuckle just thinking about it.

Be sure to vote for your favorite (and catch any of those you missed) on

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