May 18, 2009 - 3:32 pm
Vice President Joe “Foot-In-Mouth” Biden leveled the playing field today. Don’t worry about his policies that put American lives at risk (weak border security, wrist-slapping terrorists, anti-military idiocy, etc.) because today, he put his own life at risk.
While shooting the breeze at a fancy-pants dinner with the “media elite”, he revealed the location of the top secret VP bunker (made famous when Dick Cheney spent 9/11 in it). So now any terrorist with internet access knows exactly where Diahrea-Mouth Joe will be during the next attack.
When the poo hit the fan about Joe spilling top secret info, his press secretary responded with a firm, “Nuh uh!”
Parting thought: If a lesser public servant had screwed up that bad, he’d be facing treason charges. Just sayin’.
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