The Great Obamagasm: Day 24

The Bronco Bomber has been in office 24 days. Is there any question as to how the media and lefty wackos feel about this guy?

Please note my side-by-side of Messiah #1 and messiah #2. I’ve been getting more serious about my photography lately, I have can tell you that no professional photographer worth his salt takes a picture like that unless he means to. This was intentional. We laugh. We joke. We mock their deification of the Bomber. But the only reason it’s so funny, is because it’s true.

Now, for the real kicker. The linked video here is what pushed me to write this post. Check out the ex-Beatles groupies who now ovulate at the mere sight of the Bomber. I’m serious. It’s gross. Watch the video and see for yourself.

Aside from the the lady crying out, “I love you, Bronco!” (paraphrased), just listen to the squeals when he leans over to kiss the lady asking for a free house. Am I crazy or is that the squeal of a dozen eggs simultaneously sprouting from a dozen ovaries? Ick.

And this after 24 days. Imagine what the remaining of the 1,437 days of his presidency will bring!  700 wives and 300 concubines?!

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