April 21, 2014 - 8:27 am
You guys know how I feel about my smart phone, right? RIGHT? Well, during my commute today, I was thinking over the busy week ahead. I thought about that one guy who is supposed to call me about that one thing. And I reflexively put my left hand on my left thigh, where my smart phone can be felt in my left pocket.* But, I didn’t feel it. Then, mild panic. I LEFT MY PHONE AT HOME!!
I commonly refer to my smart phone as “my brain.” It is my calendar, my calculator, my watch, my alarm clock, and the phone to which important phone calls and text messages are directed. It contains my “ToDo” lists (yes, several), pictures of things to help me remember stuff (like the model number of the Vans shoes I was going to search on eBay), and other information that I may need, but don’t trust to my actual, warm, squishy brain.
So, today, I am brainless. Thus, this week’s white board quip:
I can not brain. I haz teh dumb. – LOLCAT
* Because when we’re driving, our phone is put away! Right, chi’ren?! RIGHT?!
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