December 5, 2008 - 12:26 pm
People get upset over the dumbest things. I can’t comprehend how people can be so sensitive. I know I get it from my dad, who has about as much tact as a gorilla at a tea party. Oh, the stories I could tell.
My favorite bumper sticker (sadly it was on the truck I used to own and I haven’t found a replacement) said, in big bold letters, “GET OVER IT.”
So, I hope you’ll have proper context when I say the people who’s panties are wadded over the new Burger King “Whopper Virgins” ad campaign are idiots.
I really love the concept. A whopper and a big mac, side-by-side taste test, offered to people from different cultures that have never had (and sometimes never heard of) a hamburger.
I’ve always thought that food is the most fascinating aspect of culture. Unlike politics, religion, and economics, you can ask a person from a different culture about the food and be sure you’ll never offend them. In fact, I’ve found that they usually enjoy talking about it.
Every time I have a chance to talk to someone from outside the Unites States, I ask them what they think of American food and what they miss about food back home. Everyone eats and everyone has things they like and don’t like to eat. It’s universal and, at least to me, very interesting.
Now, as for the controversy, Hot Air has a post that sums it up. Rather than rehash it here, I’ll just link to it.
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