Wendy’s Gives Customer “The Finger”

File this one under “Eeeeeww!!”

According to this Reuters article, a customer at a Wendy’s burger joint in San Jose had a rather… *urp* …unpleasant dining experience envolving a bowl of Wendy’s chili (which, incidentally, I would not eat if I was starving to death).

Here’s the direct quote from Ben Gale, director of the Dept. of Environmental Health.

“This individual apparently did take a spoonful [of chili], did have a finger in their mouth and then, you know, spit it out and recognized it. Then they had some kind of emotional reaction and [edit: unate the chili].”

Emotional reaction?! Gyyyeaaaahck! Talk about an understatement.

What is really funny is the ads that came up with the article on Yahoo News. (I swear I am NOT making this up.)

Oh no!  It's Jacko! Got Finger?

*Croons* Isn’t it ironic… don’t ya think?

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