What’s the deal with crazy people and Jesus?

When we were on our mission trip, a very inebriated gentleman approached some of our kids near the Alamo. Before they had a chance to ask him if he knew Jesus as his personal savior, he introduced himself as Jesus. The Lord and Savior then asked them if they had any weed they’d be willing to part with.

In the news, a man went for a walk in his birthday suit (That means nekkid for your yankees.) around the county court house in Palestine, Texas. (Palestine! Coincidence? I think not.) When police confronted him, he said it was okay because he’s friends with Jesus. Oh! I see. Carry on then.

(As an aside, the journalist gets extra points for this line, “[The police officer] said he had never been exposed to such an incident.” Ahaa! Exposed. Ba-dump tshh!)

And in a story we’ve all heard a million times, some nut jobs in Connecticut claim that Jesus’ image has “miraculously” appeared in the wood grain pattern of their kitchen cabinet. (Insert your own shellac fumes joke here.)

So, what I want to know is this: In countries with different religious backgrounds, does this still happen? Do drunk Indians (towel, not feather) claim to be Shiva before they ask you for some vegetarian doobage? Do Middle Eastern Muslims ever “see” Mohammad’s face in their falafels? Would a French Atheist ever walk around naked and then claim to be friends with no one? Well, I guess that last one is pretty probable, but you get my point.

Is the link between insanity and Jesus a purely American invention?

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