Where Were You When…

I was about to head out the door to work in Colorado Springs. I turned on the TV to check the weather to see which coat to wear. (Colorado weather in September is tricky.) Instead of the weather, I saw a massive fire in one of the World Trade Center buildings. I had just enough time to think, “Wow! How are they going to put that out?” when the second plane hit (live). My mouth fell open and my knees went weak. I sat on the couch just like that for the next three hours or so. When I finally got to work, it was so eerily quiet. In Colorado Springs there are *always* several planes in the air and contrails crisscrossing the sky (US Air Force Academy and two USAF bases near by). But that day, there was nothing. Just clear, blue, silent skies. It was like the whole world was feeling the same silent shock I was feeling.

Where were you? What’s your 9/11 story?

Never Forget

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