Relativism: Case in point

For a relativist, it is unconscionable to tell someone else, especially someone from a different culture, that they are wrong. Therefore, “multiculturalism” is rampant in Europe, where relativism is god.

Multiculturalism is a sad attempt to treat people delicately and not offend their cultural beliefs. (As long as those beliefs are not Christian. Nobody cares about offending them.) So German courts render verdicts differently for Muslims than for … Infidels?

Rather than jail a man for beating his wife, the German court won’t even grant her a divorce “[b]ecause the woman, as a Muslim, should have ‘expected’ it, the judge explained.”

That, ladies and gentlemen, is relativism.

Sinfully stolen from Randy.

Compete article.

Liberalism (with a big L)

I like simple. Simple is good. I like to take complex things and make them simple. I like analogies and metaphors that make complex ideas easy to understand. Most of all, I like to take complex arguments and wash off all the mud and blood and discover the simple, basic, easy-to-understand foundation behind the argument.

That’s what this post is about. Forget about tax strategies. Forget about the war in Iraq. Forget about evolution or abortion or global warming. Let’s get simple. What is the simple foundation of modern liberalism (or Liberalism with a big L)?

I strongly recommend that everyone should watch this video, no matter what your political alignment or religious affiliation (or lack thereof). It’s long (about 30 minutes if you skip the Q&A session at the end) and, because it’s on YouTube, it will take a while to load (I recommend you open it, hit pause, and minimize the window for about 10 minutes before you try to watch it.) but I think it is something everyone should see.

You may not agree with the guy. In fact, you may get pretty angry the longer it goes on, but what he says should at least make you think about (simply) what it means to be liberal and, more importantly, why you are or are not liberal.

Clicky: “How Modern Liberals Think”

Now, if you’re busy like me, I’ll break it down for you, but I still recommend watching the video when you have time.

Liberalism (with a big L) is founded on one simple thesis: Nondiscrimination.

For me to discriminate, I am employing my past knowledge, my up-bringing, my environment, etc. to discern what is “right” and what is “wrong”. This, at its foundation, is bigotry. No one can establish what is “right” because the only way you know what is right is to base it on your personal experience, your personal bigotry. I’ve always called this relativism, but we’ll stick with his terms.

Here’s the extrapolation of this idea that makes it appeal to so many intelligent people:
The attempt to be “right” is the core cause of all that is wrong.
If you don’t insist on being “right” there’s nothing to disagree about.
If you don’t disagree, you don’t fight.
If you don’t fight, there’s no war.
If there’s no war, there’s no poverty.
If there’s no poverty, there’s no crime.
If there’s no crime, there’s no injustice.
Thus any absolute (moral or otherwise) must be to blame for all the hate, war, poverty, crime and injustice in the world.

If you insist that there can be no absolutes (absolutely) then you require me to consciously ignore what I know to be true (because there is no truth). I must allow myself to believe that an 80 year old, white woman is equally likely to blow up an airplane as are six Imams who are shouting, “Allah Akbar” as they hand in their boarding passes. By questioning the Imam, I am discriminating (by definition, making a choice based on some absolute).

The next pitfall in the Liberalism thesis is the assumption that if “right” causes wrong, then wrong must be caused by “right”. Remember that absolutes lead to injustice, therefore any injustice must have been caused by an absolute. If A is rich and B is poor (injustice) then A must have done something evil at B’s expense to become rich. B is poor because B is a victim of A’s evil wealth hoarding. This ignores the fact that A worked hard for ten years to succeed and B spent ten years living on welfare and doing nothing. You must ignore those “facts” because facts imply discrimination. The only solution is to take A’s money and give it to B; equalize; level the field. A rational mind quickly sees that this is actually punishing hard work and rewarding laziness. But again, “rational” means discriminatory.

That was an awfully long post considering I started out talking about being simple, and I didn’t do nearly as good a job as the speaker in the video. I’m sorry. You’re right, which means I’m wrong. And if you think I’m wrong, I’m okay with that because at least in implies that you believe in right and wrong, so your not a relativist.

Cuz nobody’s that dumb, not even you.

I’ve got politics on the brain lately and it reminded me of this quip I’ve been saving up for a long time. It’s from conservative commentator William F. Buckley Jr.

I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

Ooh burn.

Oh, you are SO busted!

I can’t even tell you how pumped I am to learn that Texas has a “report a litterer” web form. I’m going to be on this thing every other day!!

Rarely does a commute go by that I don’t see someone flick a cigarette butt out of their car. It infuriates me. I ride my bike to work from time to time and when you have ride down the side of the road, even for just a few miles, you really get an idea just how much litter is generated by those disgusting butts. There are thousands of them. When a good gully washer comes along, all those butts get washed into our lakes and rivers. I’m getting all worked up just thinking about it.

You best not be flinging your butt when I’m on patrol bucko! I guarantee you’ll be getting a nasty-gram from the state on my behalf.

Cleanly stolen from Dave.

Look out Ebert! Here I come!

I still don’t have a DVR, but this week, I got one step deeper into entertainment geekdom. I signed up for Netflix. I’ve now reviewed over a hundred movies (just a star rating, no write up) and my queue is up to 50 DVDs (most of those are TV shows, my “poor man’s DVR”). I just learned this morning about the “Friend” feature. Now we can all be Netflix friends and share our ratings and queues! Wheee! (Just don’t ask to borrow any of my clothes. That can ruin a friendship!)

Friend me!

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that Tammy and I are using the same account. “The Sound of Music” is not my favorite all-time movie, but it is hers. Don’t want you to think anything weird about me. I’m learning how to set up separate profiles, but I haven’t got it all straightened out yet.

Bubble Bobble Tiol and Troulbe.

FireFox Spell CheckI just want to say that FireFox 2.0 rox my sox off. The best feature by far is the built in spell checker. It works much like we’ve come to expect from MS Word with little red lines and right-click to get possible correct spellings. No more copying my blog post into Word to spell check it before posting.

Which brings us to this week’s white board quip:

Do witches run spell checkers?

I’ll never forget the time I insulted a witch and she turned me into a noot. (I got better.)

Movie Review Purge

I’ve had a sticky note on my desk for months with a list of movies I’ve seen and need to review. Get ready for another movie review purge.

Amistad – An eighteenth-century court-room drama about a slave ship mutiny. Well told story (though slow at times) that gives an honest (read violent and brutal) depiction of the slave trade. Mild nudity and and disturbing images are not for the kiddies, but I would recommend this for any high schooler who wants to get in the mood for a paper on slavery. I haven’t seen Amazing Grace yet, but I would think these two movies would make a good double feature. 3 grins.

I, Robot – I admit I have not read the book, nor anything by Isaac Asimov (who coined the Three Laws of Robotics), but I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Faced paced and a real nail-biter of a plot along with some stunning cgi ranks this one among my favorites. 4 grins.

Lost In Space – I had high hopes for this movie despite the fact that it had a “Friends” actor on the bill. It started off well, if a little formulaic. But about 30 minutes into the movie, the plot jerks became annoying. The action sequences (which were not bad in and of themselves) ended abruptly and were not well balanced with the long, boring dialog sections. In the end, a great concept with good effects and tolerable acting was hamstrung by a plot line that could have come from junior high creative writing student. 2 grins.

The Terminal – Reviewers slammed this one so bad that I waited to watch it as a 99¢ rental. I think the reviews could not have been more wrong. I really enjoyed this movie. The DVD extras make it that much more fun with stories of the incredible set (the whole terminal is one giant set, but looks exactly like 80% of the airports in America) and the antics of the cast and crew. Tom Hanks turns in one of his best performances, better than Castaway IMHO. Most of all I like the messages of this movie: Doing what’s right is more important that doing what’s easy. If you want something badly enough, it’s worth waiting for. And most importantly, American’s have forgotten what it’s like to have morals and a strong work ethic. (No one in the airport can wrap their brain around this guy’s patience, drive, and ethical standards.) 5 grins.

More movie reviews on the way including a couple of this year’s computer animated heavy hitters.

That’s even awesomer!

It’s pretty cool that I got nominated for the Blogger’s Choice Awards (I now have 6 and 3 votes in the two categories, including my votes for myself.) but that’s not nearly as cool as this.

Alt-N Technologies, the company for which I an a senior web developer, has been recognized for a very prestigious award and now stands among the giants.

Alt-N, Bank of America, Bell Canada, Microsoft, PayPal and TRUSTe Honored for Leadership in Online Safety

BOSTON, MA — (MARKET WIRE) — April 19, 2007 — The Authentication and Online Trust Alliance (AOTA) announced the winners of the first annual Online Safety Leadership Awards. The winners, honored in an awards ceremony on the first night of the Authentication and Online Trust Summit, have all demonstrated a commitment to preserving and improving consumer trust in online channels.

The categories and winners include:

  • Long term Commitment: Bank of America
  • eCommerce: PayPal
  • Public Education: Bell Canada
  • Technology Innovation: Microsoft Corp.
  • Early Adoption: Alt-N
  • Non-profit Leadership: TRUSTe

“We are honored that our commitment to rapidly transform online safety concepts into real-world products for the small-to-medium business community has been recognized by AOTA,” said Arvel Hathcock, founder and CEO of Alt-N Technologies. “We will continue to expand our promotion of online safety features to the MDaemon email server user community by deploying additional safety functionality such as backscatter protection and email certification in 2007.”

I’ll link to the press releases as soon as they’re published.

AOTA press release
Alt-N press release

Johnny Five Is ALIVE!

Johnny Five's Grandpa? Recently, Jess at Apropos of Something linked to an article on Cracked entitled “The Top Ten ’80s Robots (We Expected to Exist By Now)”. Great read, btw. Johnny Five was number ten on the list. Well, lo and behold, the guys at MIT are getting real close to Johnny.

Check out this latest research project. The robot’s name is Domo. Get it? Mister Roboto? Dang those nerds are funny. Domo can recognize human faces and voice commands, can identify objects, estimate their size and make intelligent decisions about how to manipulate them. Domo also has the ability to sense touch, necessary for safe interaction with humans. But most importantly, Domo has human-like eyes, just like Johnny Five.

Fortunately, Domo does not have a shoulder mounted laser cannon nor a homicidal tendency triggered by attempts to turn him off. (“NO DISASSEMBLE!!“) No report yet on whether or not he has a cute Indian side-kick with humorously bad English.

In case you were wondering…

…why I’m not a big fan of RINO Giuliani, aside from the fact that he’s in favor of gun control, he’s also pro-abortion and supports tax-funded abortion.

Clicky clicky.

I’m puzzled why so many conservatives like Rudy so much. 9-11 made him a rock star, but it didn’t change his politics. I still don’t have a favorite candidate, but I’m very interested in learning more about Fred Thompson.

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